Movin on up? micro to small stakes
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 133
Hey guys - I have been running pretty well at cheap sng's and my favorite, the $3.30 90 players KOs at full-tilt. I am currently running @ 50% roi over a small sample, but I am happy with my play. I also won a 15 player satalite into the 200k guarantee @ ub a couple of weeks ago and did pretty well, finished in 200th of 900ish (tried to take out a smaller stack but my aq didnt hold vs kq) and I believe that I would have cashed had that hand held up.
Anyway, I feel like I am ready to move up, but I LOVE how fast the 3.30ko sngs fill up @ FT. Are there similar tourns at other sites @ a bit higher level that fill up quickly - like maybe something in the 10$ range?
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 7,225
PokerStars has 45-man turbo SnGs at $3.25, $6.50, and $12 that all fill up in 2-3 minutes and 180-man SnGs at $4.40, $11, and $12 (turbo) that take 8-10 minutes to fill.