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Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website

01-31-2010 , 11:04 AM

At the very bottom of the page under "Other major Sunday tournaments at PokerStars" the following information is incorrect:

Sunday Warm-up start time is said to be 12:45 ET, that has been changed to 13:00 ET for some time.

The "Sunday Two Hundred Grand $10+1" is now the Sunday 1/4 Million.

The "Sunday Second Chance" is said to have a $250,000 guarantee, that was lowered to $200,000 a while ago.

The same information is posted on this page as well:

The other problem I have with these pages is that they provide what I might consider to be misleading information about the average field size of the Sunday Million and Sunday Warm-up.

Consider the Warm-up. When it first ran, the field sizes were miniscule compared to now, and the guarantee was also much much smaller. So to say that the average field size is 2,729 players may be technically correct from a historical standpoint, but it might cause some to mistakenly expect a significant overlay since 3,750 players are needed to meet the current $750,000 guarantee. To me, the average field size since the guarantee was raised to $750,000 would be more relevant.

The same is true for the Sunday Million page. The average field size is listed at 7,070, but there hasn't been a field size in the Sunday Million that small in ages.
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 11:18 AM
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by ledders07
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 11:34 AM
[ ] we care
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 12:06 PM
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 12:40 PM
raging clues itt
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 01:05 PM
i hear you bobbou - they should take a rolling avg of say the last 12 months or so..
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 02:05 PM
how dare they save avg before the number and then actually use the avg!!!
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 02:07 PM
Calm down guys, he's just a spectator.
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
Calm down guys, he's just a spectator.
Took me a second, but I laughed...

OP has a valid point, Stars should try to keep their website up to date with reality. I'm not talking about changing the site when they run special events (like this week being 2M instead of 1.5), but things like the Sunday 250k should be more up-to-date - they changed that guarantee a long time ago.

I don't think, however, that it's misleading, and we can guarantee that it's not intentional. OP - try shooting support an email, I bet that would get a quicker response than semi-accusing them of misleading the world.

Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
01-31-2010 , 04:25 PM
lol sick
Misinformation regarding Sunday tournaments on Pokerstars website Quote
