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Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF

01-06-2013 , 04:14 PM
I'm plying 27/21 over 115 hands and been fairly active. The caller is playing 19/11 over 37 hands and I have no real reads on him. The shipper is playing 11/11 over 55 hands. Hasn't 3bet once, not really stealing blinds. I'm thinking he isn't doing this with less than AQs and JJ+, so I opt to fold. If the btn wasn't in the hand I may have called, but I wasn't sure what he had.

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 80/160 Blinds (9 handed) - Full Tilt Converter Tool from

Button (t4685)
SB (t4450)
BB (t8316)
UTG (t2828)
UTG+1 (t3680)
MP1 (t5736)
MP2 (t5460)
Hero (MP3) (t11700)
CO (t5055)

Hero's M: 48.75

Preflop: Hero is MP3 with , QsAs
4 folds, Hero bets t400, 1 fold, Button calls t400, SB raises t4370 (All-In), Hero??
Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF Quote
01-06-2013 , 04:23 PM
Agree with the fold and range on sb, although I think the btn's range is going to be pretty wide here and he isn't calling most of the time.
Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF Quote
01-07-2013 , 01:31 PM
The read you have on villain is over the early hands of a MTT during which he was extremely deep. Over the early stages, villain has played tight with little aggression, but this is pretty common for many aggressive MTTers.

The situation we have now is a gold plated shoving spot for the SB with his stack and a "tight" image. Furthermore, most weaker players (and lots of good players) with truly premium cards (AA/KK) will often raise smaller instead of shoving. Putting it all together, I have a very, very hard time folding AQ to this play as villain can and will show up with terrible cards quite often, and certainly, giving him a range of AQs/AK/JJ+ is certainly too tight.
Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF Quote
01-07-2013 , 02:34 PM
AQ+, 88 is real close, 99+ for sure
Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF Quote
01-07-2013 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by RandomGuy2
The read you have on villain is over the early hands of a MTT during which he was extremely deep. Over the early stages, villain has played tight with little aggression, but this is pretty common for many aggressive MTTers.

The situation we have now is a gold plated shoving spot for the SB with his stack and a "tight" image. Furthermore, most weaker players (and lots of good players) with truly premium cards (AA/KK) will often raise smaller instead of shoving. Putting it all together, I have a very, very hard time folding AQ to this play as villain can and will show up with terrible cards quite often, and certainly, giving him a range of AQs/AK/JJ+ is certainly too tight.
I agree with this if we know that villain is a reg or at least semi-competent. Facing an unknown with nothing but 55 hands on our hud I think I pass the first time with AQ until I know he's opened his game up and then adjust accordingly.
Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF Quote
01-09-2013 , 09:52 PM
Thanks for the advice. As it went, the Btn called with AJo and the SB showed 77. I would have rivered a Q to win a substantial pot. Based on what has been said and the different points it seems like calling and folding are both ok options.
Mini FTOPS  AQs vs AI Raise PF Quote
