Millionaire maker satellite. Final table punt?
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 22
Playing online satellite to the WSOP millionaire maker. 3 seats and we are final 7.
I feel my satellite play is pretty solid, but I was on tilt from losing continuous small pots and not holding in a previous all in. I prob made a bad play because of this.
I am down to 12bb in the CO and I am 2nd shortest looking to chip up or double up soon. The two biggest stacks are the Big blind 45 bb and button 40bb. Blinds go up 20 minutes and is a slow structure but with only 7 players the ante and blinds come quick.
Hero Ah9h in cutoff raises 2.5bb
Button flats , sb and bb fold
Flop is 5h22 (9.5bb)
I jam and button tank calls with 44 and we lose.
So lots to unpack here I feel I could of done a lot of different things here. First is I could have jammed pre but I feel i should be tighter shoving into two bigger stacks. Also in these similar spots I feel like I always run into AQ+ who call off 10bb. I chose to raise 2.5bb because the table seems to be raising 2.5 -3x to steal blinds.
The button player I played few small pots and is quite aggressive check raising small boards and floating a lot. With only about a pot size bet behind I feel a jam would be ok. Folding out a lot of his flatting range. Also i have back door hearts / straight if they did have a pair or a 5. Villian tanked and made the correct call. Maybe he thinks I would never jam with any over pair? If I did have an over pair I would most likely jam just to take the pot down or small bet to call off any jam. Anyways kind of upset I was close to a ticket but lost due to possible punt from tilt.
Join Date: Jul 2009
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I'm jamming pre. Were you going to fold your small stack of he reraised pre? If the answer is no you should have just jammed
Join Date: Feb 2017
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Pot size on the flop seems off unless the antes are massive. 2.5bb + 2.5 + .5 + 1 = 6.5. So for the pot to be 9.5 on the flop that means 3bb in antes, which ive never seen before. So the pot is probably 7.5bb or one of the blinds also called.
Raising to 2.5x off of 12bb is never ideal. You either want to jam or min r. Who cares what the rest of the table is doing.
I think A9s is just an easy jam here. Nothing else to really consider. Its not strong enough to want to get jammed on and its too strong to raise and then fold to a jam, so just jam and try to chip up.
As played jamming is going to be fine even if it is a slight overbet.
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I'm jamming pre-flop. You will get some AT to fold and some smaller PP's. Hands like KQ in the BB probably fold as well.
As played I guess I would check back. If A/K/Q/J/T/9 hits the turn then I would jam if Villain checks. Jamming does make it look like you have a PP. Could be AK/AQ type hands as well though.
Join Date: Jan 2024
Posts: 77
HRC (Holdem Resources Calculator) says you can jam:
22+, A2s+, A8o+, K6s+, KTo+, Q8s+, QTo+, J8s+, JTo+, T8s+, 98s (25,9%)
You didn't give stack sizes for all opponents. Because you said you were the second shortest I put one player on 10bb (MP) and UTG, HJ and SB on 20bb
So A9s is indeed well within the range.
Calling ranges for the two big stacks are:
Btn: 55+, ATs+, AJo+
BB: 55+, A8s, ATo, KJs, KQo
... so unless they're maniacs we shouldn't expect them to call with a wider range, which makes A9s even more of a slam dunk. The fact that you sometimes will run into a hand that dominates you like Mr Rick wrote doesn't change this.
FWIW I'm far from sure villain's call OTF is a correct in a satellite. He's risking a quarter of his stack at a moment in this satellite where preservation should be his main goal. Part of your jam range OTF should be at least 66-99 which have him crushed (like A5s for that matter), and even against overcards he'll lose 1 time out of 4.
the second coming of the second coming
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Jamming pre is better, because the nature of a satellite gives you tons of fold equity. 2.5x off 12x is not really an open size I ever make, you bloat the pot but don't maximize your fold equity.
The other stack sizes are important as well.