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Middle stages of 33 man turbo Multi way pot Middle stages of 33 man turbo Multi way pot

01-31-2011 , 06:12 AM

The person in front of me limped and I knew KQ played pretty good against most his limping range so I limped behind. The reason I didn't raise behind him is because if I raised behind him and got pushed all in I would have to fold.

Dealer calls
sb calls

flop comes he bets 320.

I min raise.

I min raised him because I didn't put him on AK, 77, or 10,10 or he would have pushed preflop. now the only hand that he is beating me with is K 10.

The guy behind me pushes all in.

what would you do in this position and why?
Middle stages of 33 man turbo Multi way pot Quote
01-31-2011 , 12:02 PM
I don't like to min-raise.. I would just shove flop :P

as played I call his shove :X
Middle stages of 33 man turbo Multi way pot Quote
01-31-2011 , 12:13 PM
2705 in the pot and 300 to call. Odds of 9:1 are to good to play raise/fold here.
Middle stages of 33 man turbo Multi way pot Quote
