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Main Event blinding out situation Main Event blinding out situation

07-02-2010 , 01:41 PM
I am an orthodox Jew and therefore I can't play poker on the Sabbath, which according to Jewish law runs approximately from Friday Sundown to 25 hours from then.

I'm thinking about playing the main event and sitting out for the last part of day 2, namely from about 725pm onwards.

Note that Day 2 starts at noon and the structure of the Main event is: 30k start stack, 120 min levels, 20 min break, 90min dinner break after 2nd level of day.

Assuming all goes as scheduled, Day 2 schedule looks like:
12-2- level 5 (2-400 50a)
220-420- level 6 (250-500 50a)
420-550- dinner
550- 750- level 7 (3-600 75a)
level 8 is 4-800 w/ 100a

So I could get through the majority of level 7 (maybe half of it if things do go as scheduled). How many chips do you think I will lose over the course of the 1-1.5 levels I sit out. How do you think it will impact my (a person's) roi?
07-02-2010 , 01:48 PM
There is actually a poker section in the orthodox jew rulebook?

Also, serious question. Should exceptions be allowed within religion guidelines if it is your occupation?
07-02-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
There is actually a poker section in the orthodox jew rulebook?

Also, serious question. Should exceptions be allowed within religion guidelines if it is your occupation?
The rule is that you are not allowed to labor on the Sabbath. So, the fact that it is his occupation is, in fact, what hinders him from playing.
07-02-2010 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Halowax
The rule is that you are not allowed to labor on the Sabbath. So, the fact that it is his occupation is, in fact, what hinders him from playing.
If this is case(and I think you are correct) then I wonder if other orthodox jews make exceptions once a year for extenuating circumstances in more traditional occupations. Isn't the fact that you mean well and adhere to the rules whenever possible good enough?
07-02-2010 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Halowax
The rule is that you are not allowed to labor on the Sabbath. So, the fact that it is his occupation is, in fact, what hinders him from playing.
it's actually a little more complicated than that, and there is some grey area when it comes to playing tournament poker on the Sabbath, but for the purposes of this discussion, lets just say i can't play from 725pm onward.
07-02-2010 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by brad2002tj

That way you get to play and avoid hell. +++++$ev
Just become reformed. That way you get to play, hell still doesn't exist, and you don't have to give up your access to the Jew Cave with all the Boullion!

As a matter of fact, my supply of gold bricks is running low; think I am gonna go make a withdrawal, today... before sundown.
07-02-2010 , 01:59 PM
Couldn't you just play the other Day 2?
07-02-2010 , 02:00 PM
isn't sundown well after 730 in vegas? i thought it didn't get dark till like 9. Either way, live poker allots to 3 hands/hr, and thus, you'll miss 9 hands= 1 orbit. assuming you leave right after you go through the blinds, you'll lose between 1500-2000 chips.
07-02-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by imtoomuch4u
Couldn't you just play the other Day 2?
only if he changes his day 1.
07-02-2010 , 02:01 PM
You'll probably get 5 orbits per level.
07-02-2010 , 02:01 PM
can't u have a shabbos Goy play ur money for u like that blind guy and his helper?
07-02-2010 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by BodogAri
it's actually a little more complicated than that, and there is some grey area when it comes to playing tournament poker on the Sabbath, but for the purposes of this discussion, lets just say i can't play from 725pm onward.
Ya, I know it is actually more complicated, but I was just trying to articulate it simply enough for the Gentiles to understand.

Which of the categories of activity does poker fall under?
07-02-2010 , 02:05 PM
You'd probably lose something like 12-15k. That's taking into account your table being 8-handed (effectively) instead of 9.
07-02-2010 , 02:11 PM
Day 2b takes place on Saturday, meaning Ari couldn't play the first 2 1/2 levels.
07-02-2010 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Day 2b takes place on Saturday, meaning Ari couldn't play the first 2 1/2 levels.
Still seems like the better option.
07-02-2010 , 02:16 PM
Assuming 30 hands/hr, assuming things start a little late, breaks go a little long, and things don't start up instantly, so you'll have to miss 1 full hour of lv7 and the entire lv8:

You'll miss 30 hands in lv7, which is 3 full rotations. That would be 3 rounds of blinds (2700) and 30 hands of antes (2250).

In lv8 you'll miss 60 hands, which is 6 full rotations, so 6 rounds of blinds (7200) and 60 hands of antes (6000).

So the grand total is 18150.

Assuming 20 hands/hr, the total would be 1800 + 1500 + 4800 + 4000 = 12100.

Last year, 2044 people came to start day3, from a starting field of 6494, so the average stack was about 95k to start day 3. If you assume you'll get somewhere between 20 and 30 hands/hr, you'll lose around 15k (in addition to the fact that you won't accumulate chips for 3 hours). It'll hurt your bottom line, but if you assume a somewhat linear progression of chip accumulation (which obv isn't 100% accurate, but is prob somewhat fair for the first couple of days), missing 1.5 levels will prob get you to about 80k or so, minue the 15k that you'll lose so around 55k.

So on average, you'll (meaning an average player) will have slightly more then half of average on day 3, and will still have ~55 big blinds.

Obviously knowing this beforehand will increase your equity, since if you have 25k in level 6, you know that you'll need to start accumulating fast since you'll basically be blinded off 15k pretty soon.
07-02-2010 , 02:48 PM
I assume you'd play Day 6 and Day 7 if you made it that far correct? If so, I don't see why you'd make exception to that but not Day 2.

If you wouldn't play during the Sabbath on Day 6/7, I don't see any reason to play the M.E. to begin w/. I respect your religious beliefs, but you'd be giving up far too much equity for it to be worth playing.
07-02-2010 , 03:03 PM
If you ask enough rabbis, you can probably find a few who will say that playing a tournament on the Sabbath is OK!

That's the Reform Jewish way, anyway.

Seriously though...there's so much room in Jewish law for interpretation. which is what makes Judaism a halfway palatable religion to begin with from my POV--we spend our time questioning the existence of g-d (or "god" depending on your relationship with the letter "o") not blindly accepting it.

My orthodox uncle observes the Sabbath thoroughly, but that might include a sort of arbitrary adjustment like leaving the TV on from the day before. Meanwhile, his wife drives the car to the grocery store on Saturday.

I guess I'm saying that I don't think it's unreasonable for you to adjust your Sabbath schedule around the WSOP ME, but I'm sure you've given this a ton more thought than I have.

Are you allowed to smoke cigarettes on Yom Kippur? I've heard different answers!

Last edited by shaniac; 07-02-2010 at 03:11 PM.
07-02-2010 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by tbone5391
can't u have a shabbos Goy play ur money for u like that blind guy and his helper?
definitely get a shabbos goy ainec
07-02-2010 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by BraveJayhawk
I assume you'd play Day 6 and Day 7 if you made it that far correct? If so, I don't see why you'd make exception to that but not Day 2.
lol cmon really..
07-02-2010 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
lol cmon really..
that's what i thought when your 10 10 > my AA last week

07-02-2010 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
lol cmon really..
Actually jayhawk makes a perfectly valid point, and it's the same one I was making about arbitrary distinctions/adjustments in relation to religious law.

If you're going to apply sabbath law to day 2 why is it not applicable to day 8? Because there are a variety of interpretations when it comes religious belief.

That's why imo (and it's none of my business obv) Ari should just play through the Sabbath because the WSOP is more important than religion in this case or decide that his belief in Jewish law is important enough to preclude his ability to participate in the main event.
07-02-2010 , 03:40 PM
I dont get it. Isnt gambling in general against the morals/laws of jewish religion?
07-02-2010 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by jon_midas
I dont get it. Isnt gambling in general against the morals/laws of jewish religion?
He's a fair weather Jew.
07-02-2010 , 03:43 PM
this thread is not going to end well
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