No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 20/40 Blinds (9 handed) -
Hold'em Manager Converter Tool from
MP3 (t1140)
CO (t880)
Button (t955)
SB (t843.75)
BB (t980)
UTG (t1370)
Hero (UTG+1) (t980)
MP1 (t1921.25)
MP2 (t930)
Hero's M: 16.33
Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with XX
1 fold, Hero calls t40,
2 folds,
BTN raises to t140,
Assuming villain is a laggy thinking player and he knows that i am limping with many pp. Because of this he is raising more hands (let's say his range looks like 22+, A2s+, K8s+, QTs+, A2o+, K9o+, QTo+, JTo (29%)), since he thinks i am going to fold a lot of my range.
How can i calculate how often i can shove e.g. a pp in this situation (assuming he folds a part of his range) in order to be +EV?