Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
It really isn't a correct application of Bayes' Theorem since that requires us to know all these conditional probabilities. With small samples we can't estimate these well.
I dont get this. We guesstimate the prior probability of anyone VPIPing 5:6 and the prior probability of any villain being a loosetard, we calculate the probability of villain VPIPing 5:6 given that he is a loosetard (we need to quantify loosetardism) and then we use this information to calculate the chance of villain being loosetard given that he has VPIPed 5:6 by applying Bayes' Theorem.
P(loosetard|VPIP 5:6) = P(VPIP 5:6|loosetard)*P(loosetard)/P(VPIP 5:6)
Sure, we have to guesstimate, but how is this not an application of Bayes' Theorem?
(disclaimer: I'm no expert on the topic, I'm actually asking)
Btw. While I'm at it, what is Bayesian updating? Cant find an easily accessible source quickly... I'd guess it is updating probability estimates based on new information using Bayes theorem (which is indeed what is being done here), but then every use Bayesian updating would be use of Bayes Theorem...) EDIT: and when I use google in a less moronic way I get this
http://www.statisticalengineering.com/bayesian.htm which seems to support the above.
It's really more this which is an application of Bayesian updating. I really don't see what's so profound about this post
As with most things, if you already know this, it is not profound at all.
EDIT: And to say what "this" is once again: some people think "100/0 over 2 hands, he's limping ATC!!!". Some people think "small sample, no use at all". Both are wrong. Small samples can be very useful, but you must have an idea of what the prior probabilities are, they matter. Most posters already know this on an intuitive level, but its nice to see it formalized. Some (you) already know it on a formal level, but even then it is relevant for the forum cause I see still people replying "why do you give stats? its 10 hands FFS!" all the time, this sheds some light on that.
Last edited by Hirle; 09-09-2010 at 08:22 PM.