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LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW)

07-05-2009 , 02:50 AM
So didnt really feel like waiting to post 5 more times ...

I guess i could write something about something about when to move up...

I played i think somewhere around 13k 16s before making the 27s my new home... but what really toook sooo long???
For once, the fear of losing more money that you have ever before, affects your plays and so when you decided to move up, you get crushed and move back down..... It happened to me twice...You feel like you are ready, i mean, i had like a 11% roi on my first 6k games... Dam i was ready... so i tried... then the psychological effects your body creates when money is being lost, takes over. So as soon as i started losing, i moved back down. I think thats pretty standard overall....Then i played another 6k games, and my ROI was 6%.. WTF happened!!!??? i thought i was the king and was ready to move up......but i was wrong...
At the begining of this year, i thought about quiting sngs and start playing MTTs sng... you know the 180s.. kinda like everyone else these days... ... I tried them and profited a bit, but the biggest thing i got of them was losing the fear of pushing and bubbling ... Not like i wasnt playing optimally before, but in a 180, you find urself pushing on full tables extremely wide, so you dont lose your FE and pick up blinds which in most cases are huge....So you just push push , forget ICM!
Well, after i came back to sngs, i felt i was either running good or really got it...My place distribution changed dramatically i went from having tons of 3rds to having this distribution
16 10 10.. first , seconds and thirds ..., my roi went back up and i started crushing the 16s for real at a 11% roi for 09. One night before i fell asleep i thought to myself..." i can now play the 27s"
So i moved on. I didnt force it, i didnt care my first or second sessions went bad, i knew i was good enough to make it happen.

Why am i saying all that?? well, i feel like alot of players wonder at times when to move up.... I think personally if you plan to move up to certain level and be profitable enough, you should be "beating" the previous level at a higher than average roi over a large sample, that simple. All of that makes tons of sense, but you will honestly know when is time...

Of course if you feel like shot taking at the higher levels and have the bankroll, go for it, but variance hits you the hardest and the worst possible times......

Also one little thing..... Games are getting tougher and 2p2 is a great place to learn, but with changing environments you have to change with it and think outside the box every once in while.... more once than while......

Thats all.. if you guys have any Questions, i dont feel important enough quite yet to have a well, but you could ask them.

and how can i be sooo selfish...

LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 02:52 AM
Congrats on the near 2k. But come on, how hard is it to hop over to BBV and type "in before wat?" 4 times?

Seriously though, nice post. Thanks.
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 03:12 AM
Great poast, congratz on 2k!! And congratz on finally moving up to the $27s. Just one question, do you subscribe to the 100 buy-in rule strictly when dealing with your roll??
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 03:16 AM
'grats dude.. you were always on my top list of regs to watch out for since the very beginning

whats the next step for you? move up to 60s after another solid sample of 6k games?
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 03:42 AM
do you tile or cascade?
how many tables you play at time.
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by juandadi

Thank You.
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 04:07 AM
Congrats and nice post!

As a side note; you may wanna use a different site to upload pictures, cause this one generates additional links to tests, the dumb test, which leads to "scams".
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 04:12 AM
Were there words in this post? I looked and looked.......
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:13 AM
good 2k post and congrats on the move up....

are you still mixing in some 16s every now and again??
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 05:38 AM
great to have you posting here juan, and thanxx for moving up!!!
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 06:31 AM

Brain explodes at the awesomeness.
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 06:44 AM
great pics. u r awesome
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 07:40 AM
Grats. Nice post and pics
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 09:18 AM
Nice post,awesome pics It is cool people move up in stakes

1. Do u play poker fulltime or in other words are u a pro?

2. What's your pokah career plan if u have one?

3. How do u study to improve your game?
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 10:03 AM
Thanks for your post, Im currently overrolled for the 16s but I just dont think im good enough for the jump yet. Couple of questions:

After you had got over the psychological stage of moving up to the 27s, have they been significantly harder than the 16s?

Have you got any kind of backup internet incase you disconnect?
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 10:58 AM
I'm curious why you stopped playing 180's ?
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 11:06 AM
Congrats on the posts, and thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for the pics.

I always enjoy your comments. You have helped me to discover some ofthe many "leaks" in my game.
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 11:26 AM
Nice, I like the quality over quantity in this post.

Do you think "3" is disappointed often?
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Simplicity8
'grats dude.. you were always on my top list of regs to watch out for since the very beginning

whats the next step for you? move up to 60s after another solid sample of 6k games?
I dont know, im planning as i told you before to move out of the US, to Colombia, lower cost of living, less worrying about making tons of money imo... I think i would like a 10k+ sample at the 27s-38s before moving up... Around that ballpark i think your true ROI shows up...

Originally Posted by lisadawn
do you tile or cascade?
how many tables you play at time.
Stack 18-21 tables....Dont do more, cuz i like taking notes....

Originally Posted by Dumbo_89
Great poast, congratz on 2k!! And congratz on finally moving up to the $27s. Just one question, do you subscribe to the 100 buy-in rule strictly when dealing with your roll??
I guess i do follow some sort of rule.. If you dont mass table, i guess you will have not as bad downswingss... but a 100 its safe enough if you can play with 80 once you have a terrible session...

Originally Posted by Deurdy
Congrats and nice post!

As a side note; you may wanna use a different site to upload pictures, cause this one generates additional links to tests, the dumb test, which leads to "scams".
i just literally learn how to size them correctly, so maybe for my 3k there wont be any scams.
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
good 2k post and congrats on the move up....

are you still mixing in some 16s every now and again??
Yea, i had to take money out + variance = some 16s imo.

Originally Posted by gobao
Nice post,awesome pics It is cool people move up in stakes

1. Do u play poker fulltime or in other words are u a pro?
I quit my job a month ago, so i guess. I havent been soo satisfied with my life in the past 6 years of my life...

2. What's your pokah career plan if u have one?
Sngs are becomin tougher and tougher and i have never really played the 60s or know how much better players are ..... My plan is to save up once i move to Colombia and open a huge bar/club .. maybe a several.. live at the beach, profit.

3. How do u study to improve your game?
I read this shyttzz , play , think about my plays alot in game...I open sng wiz from time to time and look at other players moves , take notes since i miss most of what they do 18 tabling..

Originally Posted by NLVictim
Thanks for your post, Im currently overrolled for the 16s but I just dont think im good enough for the jump yet. Couple of questions:

After you had got over the psychological stage of moving up to the 27s, have they been significantly harder than the 16s?

There are more solid regulars same fish , higher variance.... oh and angrier regulars also...

Have you got any kind of backup internet incase you disconnect?
i do have a back up, but i hardly ever disconect...
Originally Posted by mugenjin
I'm curious why you stopped playing 180's ?
I think i might need some coaching b4 droppin 20 buy ins straight/small sample obv.... They are deft extremely ez, but i get stuck in many spots late in game thinkin about what the best or most optimal play is....
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
good 2k post and congrats on the move up....

are you still mixing in some 16s every now and again??
Can confirm still mixing in some $16s
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-05-2009 , 09:33 PM
Yo juan congrats on the almost 2000 posts and the recent success. Good luck in the future.

If you move to Colombia I am coming to visit.

Any plans to move to cash, HU, or a different game all together?
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-06-2009 , 02:45 AM
congrats to your 1999 posts and your success playing poker

1) how much time do you spend playing on a typicall day and how many sets without en route?

2) do you plan to move on to mttsngs again? if yes, which one?
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
07-06-2009 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by waterwolves
Yo juan congrats on the almost 2000 posts and the recent success. Good luck in the future.

If you move to Colombia I am coming to visit.

Any plans to move to cash, HU, or a different game all together?
anyone will deft be welcome to come down...
Not sure yet.. i think im going to give HU sngs a shot... I might need to get a coach or subscription just to get the hang of what is a leak and whats not.. not sure if 55/65 is the way to go, but those things seem fun....

Originally Posted by ViennaDude
congrats to your 1999 posts and your success playing poker

1) how much time do you spend playing on a typicall day and how many sets without en route?

i usually try to play 4hours/day.. i do two sets of 18 consequently... as soon as i get down to 10 tables i start loadin up the next set.. At the 27s since they dont load up very fast, this saves time and wont have to stop playing but at the 16s , since they load up extremely quick, theres no need for that...
Im gonna work on gettin more volume this month so i could go probly to 6 hours /day..

2) do you plan to move on to mttsngs again? if yes, which one?
not sure... before i step my head on a 180 i really need to get some coaching as i had said before.. Im sure what im missing isnt much, but i do get stuck a bunch...Also i wanna continue takin shots at the $55+ turbo mtts.... but need to be rolled a bit better ...... that and the coaching..

I think switching from game to game sometimes is an exit to escape variance in your main game... For me actually is more as an improvment... I mean, i gotta be good at somethin else ...
LC: Almost 2k... (NSFW) Quote
