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LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots

09-02-2010 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by clownklauen
i want vpp
std obv

good post, matt
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-03-2010 , 12:26 AM
Nice post, I would just like to add that no matter how many tables someone plays the most important thing is to be constantly trying to improve your game. Unless you play $100s or higher and have a top ROI there will always be room for improvement.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-03-2010 , 06:45 PM
Very good post! All of it is so true!

I am thinking a lot about this dilemma these days. I want to improve my game and every day I"m reviewing my hands in HEM and Wiz.. studying and trying to find leaks. Building bankroll is also important but not as near as improving.
With all my obligations in RL I simply cant spend more than 1 hour to play (+ 20-30 mins to study)... but I love this game so I"m not giving up despite lack of time..
So far, I"ve played >300 games (with 15% ROI which really dont mean anything on this sample), my dilemma is that I"m not sure weather to 3 table or 4 table (someone will find this funny but I"m proud on my improve from beginner days).
Calculating my profit gives me this result: with 4 tabling I can drop my ROI for about 3% in next 100 games and still make more $ (with rb) than on 3 tabling.
BUT, I still dont feel comfortable at 4 tables, I can handle them but there are spots where I dont exploit others weak play as much as I can, and according to that I will not maximize benefit from time spended to study (I mean, we can review hands and study for hours but that is un-exploitable if we dont recognize that spots in game.. hope you understood what I meant).

To summarize, I am glad that someone thinks that volume and profit is not primal, on other side improving and studying our games will give much more benefit and profit in future.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-03-2010 , 07:13 PM
Is 8 table considered massive multi tabling?
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-03-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by thenextlevel1
Is 8 table considered massive multi tabling?
Not really. 16+ imo. Matter of opinion. I can handle 21-22 but play alot better @ 16 so I stick to that lately. Rather have time to hover over everyone's stats for decisions than just blindly robotify. People like the sipster can do that cos they run so damn hot all their lives
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by RagzToRiches
People like the sipster can do that cos they run so damn hot all their lives
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by mattiesmat
Haven’t been posting here for a while, but there is something I wanted to comment on. I have been playing SNG’s for a few years now and I coach them for over 1.5 years. From my experience in games and with students I have noticed a trend and mindset which I think hurts peoples progress a lot. The trend is that players, even at the microstakes play too many tables while they still have big leaks in their game. There are quite a few regulars that are very marginal winners, say 3% at the $3 SNG’s and still play 20 tables, because they think SNG’s are easy and solved and it increases their hourly. While there is some truth in this, I think it’s a bad attitude. A lot of these players have big leaks in their game like missing a lot of good spots, playing bad at the bubble and not understanding ICM very well. If you massive multitable the microstakes SNG’s with a marginal winrate your hourly right now might be higher, but you are never going to be able to move up to higher stakes where you can make some serious money.

So, if you recognize yourself in this trend I just described and you think it makes any sense, then here is my proposal: cut back on the number of tables, work on your game, get really solid, move up and then start worrying about making good money. I’m not advocating playing just one table and you have to find a balance between learning and grinding to build your bankroll, but you should play an amount where you can still think situations through, where you can still catch leaks in your own game and where you can still make good notes and notice what ranges people shove and call (especially the regulars) and what mistakes people make (especially around the bubble). If you combine this with working on your game after sessions through the forums and SNG Wiz reviews, then you will become a lot better. Now if you manage to move up to the $30 SNG’s and can make a ROI of 7% you can make $2/game and you can make a pretty good hourly of ~$40 playing some more tables again with a solid game (the numbers will be higher for the MTT SNG’s). Then you can more than make up for the losses you had on the micro stakes games because of the lower hourly and fewer tables.
Wholeheartedly agree. The only people who really should be doing this are those who have peaked and don't give a crap about improving (lame) or those whose ability has moved beyond his bankroll (probably lame). If you have more than 300 buyins for your level and I know some of you do, Jesus, take a chance. If you don't do it now, when do you think you're going to be able to do it?

For most of you, your monthly life expenses will never be lower and your time available to play will never be higher than they are right now. Nobody should aspire to be me. That's what you do when you've essentially given up.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-04-2010 , 12:34 AM
if people would take this advice to heart they would be such better players in the long run... and the profits would show it. i am bad as anyone though... so obviously easier said than done.

Another point that i think could be added:

instead of 20 tabling 3.4s or 6.5s or 16s it could be a LOT more beneficial to play only 4 or 6 6.5s, 16s, or 27s etc. still playing for lots of money, still getting as much rakeback or whatev, and getting to pay a LOT more attention and improve your game.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-04-2010 , 03:27 AM
i 1 tabled my first 1k sngs lol, deffo helped and i know sparta to this day only like 6 tables or something and his one of the best (not sure if he still plays)
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-04-2010 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
i 1 tabled my first 1k sngs lol
Really, or are you joking?

This is what I meant in prev post, improving and understanding the game have to be in front of profit..

Question is at how many tables we can play our A game?
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-04-2010 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Sokol
Really, or are you joking?

This is what I meant in prev post, improving and understanding the game have to be in front of profit..

Question is at how many tables we can play our A game?
yes really
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
09-04-2010 , 05:11 AM
I know for sure I played less than 4 for the first 2000 or so games. gg life, oh wait...
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 01:32 PM
Thank you Sir.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 06:42 PM
u should post more often.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by The Venetian
Wholeheartedly agree. If you have more than 300 buyins for your level and I know some of you do, Jesus, take a chance. If you don't do it now, when do you think you're going to be able to do it?

For most of you, your monthly life expenses will never be lower and your time available to play will never be higher than they are right now.

Originally Posted by Tbini87

instead of 20 tabling 3.4s or 6.5s or 16s it could be a LOT more beneficial to play only 4 or 6 6.5s, 16s, or 27s etc. still playing for lots of money, still getting as much rakeback or whatev, and getting to pay a LOT more attention and improve your game.
some top, top advice itt

nice one OP
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 08:17 PM
I think this is a great article. I do hope you post more. I have started playing again about 1-2 months ago. I only play 2-3 at a time currently. It is definitely worth the wait to move up. I know in the 1-2 months I have improved tremendously. I currently have a 11% ROI after I had started out breaking even.

My exact reason for only playing 2-3 SNG's a time is so I can focus on reads and analyzing my own game. I think to move up and be a good player over the long term this is the best solution. I also think that some of the players do not analyze, study, and post enough to truly become good players. I am new around here but only because I didn't know what resources I was missing. I will be a constant on here for a long time. Always trying to improve. People have said that 11% is good at the $5 tables. I have the roll to move up but I am more focused on improving at the moment (I do plan on moving up within the next month tho). Great post.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 09:26 PM
I play 20 tables and I still write down hands I'm unsure about, then look them up later in WIZ, or sometimes post them here. It's not that hard. Just jot down the tourney number and the hand, takes 5 seconds.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Shai Hulud
I play 20 tables and I still write down hands I'm unsure about, then look them up later in WIZ, or sometimes post them here. It's not that hard. Just jot down the tourney number and the hand, takes 5 seconds.
if you're using hem there's a 'mark hands' function too. i usually go back and review marked hands. i didn't know about it for my first 1000 games and when i found out about it i cried with joy
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by RagzToRiches
All very nice but 7% in the nowadays £30s??? Running hot only imo

It's absolutely possible. Agree with OP that if you play few enough tables to focus properly on every one and actually learn and improve instead of playing your same old robot game, you'll become a much better player. And a actually good player can certainly acheive a 7% ROI -- and maybe much higher -- at a mid stake like $30s.

LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 10:18 PM
lol i read this thread while i was 16 tabling. oh the ironing

but yeah this is good advice, something that I should think about... I don't want my game to stagnate and wither and die while I bust my brain mass multitabling.

going to move up a level and play half the tables re. Tbini's post - (trying to squeeze in supernova before the year is out).
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 11:07 PM
Great post, I just did this exact thing recently (although I only went from 10-15 tables down to 5) as I could tell I was not improving my play at all. I just did this last week and haven't put much volume in but I can already see the difference. I catch way more errors and can better analyze my bad plays, and the good plays I see others make. Great stuff post more!
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-08-2010 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss

Good post Matties, all very true, I'm guilty of it myself. It gets especially difficult when putting a lot of volume in. The problem is that while it will lead to much better results in the long run, most players aren't willing to take the longer/harder route for future gains. They know what they want and they want it now.
Must be a young crowd if this little gem got no love. Nice throw back Sippin.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-09-2010 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by elyts
if you're using hem there's a 'mark hands' function too. i usually go back and review marked hands. i didn't know about it for my first 1000 games and when i found out about it i cried with joy
Wait...really? Why didn't I know about this? I've been jotting down tournament #s and hands for the past 8000 games =/

How do I mark them?
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-09-2010 , 02:20 AM
There is a script made by TTR:

Great tool, since I try it I cant imagine to play without it.
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
10-09-2010 , 02:21 AM

If you dunno wtf AHK is search software forum, maybe faq on this one
LC: Advice for micro stakes massive multitabling robots Quote
