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KQ on button facing crazy aggression KQ on button facing crazy aggression

04-14-2014 , 12:27 PM
Ok so I freerolled into a $450 Buyin 300K gtd Brovada ME

I had 15K bb was 1K small 15bb effective

I am on the button with KQ it folds to me and I 2.5x it

The small blind 3 bets small and the BB (Aggro maniac with a stack) 4 bets big

I folded but after the fact I feel like I might have had enough equity here to gambool for a mincash type stack (45bbs)

The dynamics being that I was opening on the not getting any credit for a hand...then a steal from the sb and a resteal from the maniac?

I dunno...there is so much 3 betting/blind stealing going on in todays online MTT scene I wonder if I should have just shipped it and hoped I wasnt completely dead against AK and AQ or monster pairs or something.

I ended up getting short and shipping 6bbs with AT called by A9 off (yay!) but he spiked a 9 (boo) and i was out 244 out of 1082 100 ppl from the cash
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-15-2014 , 01:11 AM
Wtf man!!

You have 15bbs and small blind is 3betting you, he is never folding here and always has a better hand that you. Moreover the big blind 4bets him, it's ridiculous to think they are bluffing.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-15-2014 , 05:43 AM
shove pre and fold now
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-15-2014 , 06:39 AM
people need to listen to Bob Marley more, I'm tired of posting the youtube link....
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by ibimon
people need to listen to Bob Marley more, I'm tired of posting the youtube link....
Haha post it mate, he's crying out to you
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:49 AM
04-16-2014 , 09:05 PM
easy shove pre, proly shoving worse,

as played unless you have reads to suggest otherwise 4bs are prtty much always the goods so fold.

nice youtube link
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-17-2014 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by Svetisisti
shove pre and fold now
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-17-2014 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Svetisisti
shove pre and fold now
+2...side note: Ive actually seen on quite a few occasions people 3b fold 15bb eft, in even the biggest buyins on Bovada.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-17-2014 , 02:27 AM
can we be cute and limp pre?
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-17-2014 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by ssg
can we be cute and limp pre?
why would we do this when we likely have the best hand and there is $ in the middle?
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by ssg
can we be cute and limp pre?
I prefer to shove with this stack size but sometimes I limp if it's bigger, you dominate big blind range when he checks and play a good hand IP.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 09:32 AM
shove is +EV but this is better. maniac BB jamming range over a 2.5x BTN open is probably 20% wider than his shove calling range. nh wp.

good induce spot/sizing against BB and worth the risk to set up a 60/40 or better chance at a double here, because you're not likely to get too many better situations with only 15BBs left.

rare sequence that followed and you didn't get married to the hand either, which is also good. the fact you got down to 6BB might need some looking at, but only you know. blinds may have jumped etc.

Last edited by oldsilver; 04-18-2014 at 09:39 AM.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by oldsilver
shove is +EV but this is better. maniac BB jamming range over a 2.5x BTN open is probably 20% wider than his shove calling range. nh wp.

good induce spot/sizing against BB and worth the risk to set up a 60/40 or better chance at a double here, because you're not likely to get too many better situations with only 15BBs left.

rare sequence that followed and you didn't get married to the hand either, which is also good. the fact you got down to 6BB might need some looking at, but only you know. blinds may have jumped etc.
If we have a raise/folding range 15bb deep (which is fine given the action) don't waste the extra .5 bb and minraise your range (including the induces). With KQ i think its rather close between minr. and jamming and we are obv never folding to a shove. However in this scenario its a fold. so wp but minraise pre.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 10:32 AM
i don't have a r/f range with 15BB against a maniac, but ofc he doesn't know that.
2x looks stronger and prob narrows BB jam range. 2.5x looks more like a steal and seems perfect size.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by oldsilver
i don't have a r/f range with 15BB against a maniac, but ofc he doesn't know that.
2x looks stronger and prob narrows BB jam range. 2.5x looks more like a steal and seems perfect size.
I disagree. If we just have a standard 2x sizing this shallow we perform significantly better long term since we depend on stealing more then on value, losing the 0.5x just makes no sense. If u have a standard sizing here (which I think is better) then it will just look as your whole range, and given that your on the BTN will make it look rather steal than value heavy.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 12:28 PM
your post makes no sense
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by oldsilver
i don't have a r/f range with 15BB against a maniac, but ofc he doesn't know that.
2x looks stronger and prob narrows BB jam range. 2.5x looks more like a steal and seems perfect size.
yes it does, if u have a standard sizing of 2bb this shallow, than u lose .5x bb less in case u have to fold like in OP's example, and your perceived opening strength looks indifferent since u size the same as always, however positionally you look weaker since u are perceived to open wider from the BTN, so your still inducing light shoves.
In fact, an argument can be easily made that 2x-ing induces harder here since V's perceived FE is higher.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 08:48 PM
Yeah I guess cold 4bets from the BB are really common
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 08:55 PM
Fold and be happy your still in.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-18-2014 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by ibimon
people need to listen to Bob Marley more, I'm tired of posting the youtube link....
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
04-19-2014 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Baron Noobenstein
yes it does, if u have a standard sizing of 2bb this shallow, than u lose .5x bb less in case u have to fold like in OP's example, and your perceived opening strength looks indifferent since u size the same as always, however positionally you look weaker since u are perceived to open wider from the BTN, so your still inducing light shoves.
In fact, an argument can be easily made that 2x-ing induces harder here since V's perceived FE is higher.
idk. you could make an argument that this particular brand of maniac is more likely to be induced by limp, 2BB, 2.5BB, 3BB or 3.1415BB. if you like 2BB that's fine. i could make a detailed case for 2.5x. but the truth is neither of us were there and we're just making subjective assessments now.

the point i'm making is that all the 'ldo shove' comments above should at least consider another option here. with 15BBs (and typical quick live blind structures OP?) balancing <<<<<<< making an easy +EV move <<< making the most of every possible situation.

also this may still be a call, but others are better (pablito...) at analyzing these spots.

Last edited by oldsilver; 04-19-2014 at 01:25 AM.
KQ on button facing crazy aggression Quote
