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KK 4,4$ big KK 4,4$ big

12-05-2014 , 09:54 AM
    Poker Stars, $4 Buy-in (700/1,400 blinds, 175 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    Hero (SB): 45,588 (32.6 bb)
    BB: 36,299 (25.9 bb)
    UTG+1: 42,089 (30.1 bb)
    UTG+2: 48,699 (34.8 bb)
    MP1: 14,063 (10 bb)
    MP2: 3,144 (2.2 bb)
    MP3: 41,487 (29.6 bb)
    CO: 52,728 (37.7 bb)
    BTN: 21,007 (15 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with K K
    UTG+1 folds, UTG+2 raises to 6,475, 5 folds, Hero calls 5,775, BB folds

    Flop: (15,925) 6 Q 6 (2 players)
    Hero checks, UTG+2 bets 15,925, Hero?

    UTG + 2 12/7/0 43h
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 10:10 AM
    Raise preflop...
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 10:56 AM
    Hello, I am new to 2+2,
    could someone explain what UTG + 2 12/7/0 43h means.

    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 11:13 AM
    gii pre, gii now what's the issue?
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 11:13 AM
    Originally Posted by Arjit
    Hello, I am new to 2+2,
    could someone explain what UTG + 2 12/7/0 43h means.

    Sure UTG is first to act after big blind an then the betting goes clockwise round table so UTG UTG+1 UTG+2 ecs stands for (under the gun )as for the numbers they are stats of an hud 12/7/0 first number 12 is vpip second number 7 pfr just tells you how many hands villain is playing an how often they raise stuff like that

    Last edited by Antricko123; 12-05-2014 at 11:20 AM.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 11:18 AM
    As to the hand raise pre UTG as opend over 4x why would you flat here not good IMO 3bet big pre try get chips in , as played get in on flop you can't play scared with KK should be happy to get chips in especially on that flop so check raise all in on flop

    Last edited by Antricko123; 12-05-2014 at 11:24 AM.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 11:41 AM
    thanks for reply.
    UTG+2 position on table
    12/7/0 43h VPIP/PFR/3bet hands

    What do you think player who is tight will play like that? 4,5x from UTG+2?
    And what which he played 4,5x pre flop he will pot bet on that flop?

    I like to flat that, it is less variance and since he 4,5x pre flop the pot is big enough
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 12:29 PM
    Raise preflop. Try to gii preflop.
    As played shove to his cbet.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using 2+2 Forums
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 12:51 PM
    I like to flat that, it is less variance and since he 4,5x pre flop the pot is big enough
    This is flawed way of thinking. It becomes even more flawed if you are folding on inconspicuous flops. If your gonna make some ridiculous soulread that his preflop range is AA+, might as well fold pre*. It's not like you have setmining odds.

    Last edited by Viral25; 12-05-2014 at 12:52 PM. Reason: *To be clear, folding pre would be baaaaad.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 01:07 PM
    Originally Posted by Viral25
    This is flawed way of thinking. It becomes even more flawed if you are folding on inconspicuous flops. If your gonna make some ridiculous soulread that his preflop range is AA+, might as well fold pre*. It's not like you have setmining odds.
    Pre flop i see players like to play that way AK and i see hee can have 1010+ but what alse? So i dacided to see the flop and chack/raise (if there is no A less variance). But whan he go pot size bet on that flop 6Q6 i dont think my KK is good enough.
    on that flop 6Q6 and what i am siting him pre flop AK, 1010+
    his pot bet narrows his range to QQ, KK, AA.
    I dont think he will cbet that high on flop Q-high with JJ, 1010 and AK.

    It will be easier to go all in on flops 6106 or 6J6.. What do you think about my analise?
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 01:31 PM
    Pre flop i see players like to play that way AK and i see hee can have 1010+ but what alse?
    What else do you want? That's an awesome range to 3bet against with KK.

    his pot bet narrows his range to QQ, KK, AA.
    No, It really doesn't. You flat pre and check to him, he's has no reason to think TT/JJ or even AK is beat.

    But even if you are right and V isn't putting any more money in with TT,JJ,AK on a Qhigh flop, then not 3betting pre is an even bigger mistake than it already was.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 02:06 PM
    Originally Posted by Viral25
    What else do you want? That's an awesome range to 3bet against with KK.

    No, It really doesn't. You flat pre and check to him, he's has no reason to think TT/JJ or even AK is beat.

    But even if you are right and V isn't putting any more money in with TT,JJ,AK on a Qhigh flop, then not 3betting pre is an even bigger mistake than it already was.

    I didnt say he is not putting any more money. I am saying about his sizings pre and post flop.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 02:16 PM
    I think if you want to flat you still have to play the hand with this particular flop. If an ace comes up perhaps you can decide what to do next. The reason for flatting should be if you suspect he wouldn't call the all in but will perceive the flat as weak and overplay postflop. I don't think folding postflop should be part of the plan on most boards.

    Raising pre is obviously the easiest and nothing wrong with it. But 99% of players are so predictable that they will call weak hands and raise strong hands that it sets them up for squeezing predicaments. I like to squeeze loose when I see callers and limpers because I know 99% of the time they are weak.

    I like flatting in early position. In later position, there's usually nothing wrong with just going all in though. It's always what I prefer in late position.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 02:33 PM
    Originally Posted by juggle5344
    I think if you want to flat you still have to play the hand with this particular flop. If an ace comes up perhaps you can decide what to do next. The reason for flatting should be if you suspect he wouldn't call the all in but will perceive the flat as weak and overplay postflop. I don't think folding postflop should be part of the plan on most boards.

    Raising pre is obviously the easiest and nothing wrong with it. But 99% of players are so predictable that they will call weak hands and raise strong hands that it sets them up for squeezing predicaments. I like to squeeze loose when I see callers and limpers because I know 99% of the time they are weak.

    I like flatting in early position. In later position, there's usually nothing wrong with just going all in though. It's always what I prefer in late position.
    If it will be normal sizing pre flop i agree 3bet is best option.
    Post flop (on that flop) i have plan to chack/raise him but his sizings pre and on flop was suspicious and i used all my time bank and finally go all in. He shows AA. Should i fold when i have this strong 'soulreading'?
    I think spots like that and folding KK sometimes show if you are good or very good player...
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 03:17 PM
    your fundamental misunderstanding of how variance works is a huge leak imo.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 03:30 PM
    Originally Posted by CrunkMonkey
    your fundamental misunderstanding of how variance works is a huge leak imo.
    i know how variance work but this hand is not about variance but hand reading and hero folding.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 03:33 PM
    inb4 villain has AA or QQ
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 04:25 PM
    Originally Posted by SupermanPL
    i know how variance work but this hand is not about variance but hand reading and hero folding.
    eh, ur the one who said you called pre to minimize variance.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 05:37 PM
    I think u gotta 3bet this, even if V is playing really tight. On the other hand, if you're almost 100% he's got bullets, fold pre, but if not, 3bet and GII I think.

    Nonetheless I get the call, I don't like it, but I get it. If you put him on AK for example then a look at the flop can be nice. I've lost plenty of crucial spots with KK vs Ax deep in, and it sucks, so I know where you're coming from. But calling this bet makes you look weaker than him, so that's why many guys would pot bet the flop even with air because they've got the initiative. With a 3bet u get more info, if he 4bets or shoves you can re-evaluate.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-05-2014 , 08:30 PM
    Originally Posted by CrunkMonkey
    eh, ur the one who said you called pre to minimize variance.
    I never said that just click it back pre, the hand might play out differently, his cbet is standard, and we got outs, enjoy your equity dude.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-06-2014 , 03:07 AM
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-06-2014 , 04:25 AM
    Originally Posted by SupermanPL
    I think spots like that and folding KK sometimes show if you are good or very good player...
    Well if you're going to do this play routinely and then "soul read" him for AA and fold this is bad. I don't think this spot determines whether you are good or very good at all...This is quite an unconventional won't see it come up very often and actually i have NEVER had this spot come up, ever! (i've been playing for 10 years).

    I actually like flatting pre flop but on a Q high board it would be terrible to fold just because you "soul read" villain for AA. Opponent played AA terribly to be honest. That flop bet folds out almost everything! (you even nearly folded KK). This player made a terrible bet and you gotta look him up.

    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-06-2014 , 11:20 AM
    Originally Posted by boomshakalaka1
    I think u gotta 3bet this, even if V is playing really tight. On the other hand, if you're almost 100% he's got bullets, fold pre, but if not, 3bet and GII I think.

    Nonetheless I get the call, I don't like it, but I get it. If you put him on AK for example then a look at the flop can be nice. I've lost plenty of crucial spots with KK vs Ax deep in, and it sucks, so I know where you're coming from. But calling this bet makes you look weaker than him, so that's why many guys would pot bet the flop even with air because they've got the initiative. With a 3bet u get more info, if he 4bets or shoves you can re-evaluate.
    Thanks for respond

    Problem pre flop is that if i want play less variance i dont think i have space for 3bet/fold (his 4,5x bet) my 3bet should be at least 10x
    Pre flop i see in his range AK, weak players play AK very strong pre they are afraid playing this post flop. And as you say i dont need to fliping with AK and prefer to play post flop.
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
    12-06-2014 , 11:31 AM
    Originally Posted by petesgotaces
    Well if you're going to do this play routinely and then "soul read" him for AA and fold this is bad. I don't think this spot determines whether you are good or very good at all...This is quite an unconventional won't see it come up very often and actually i have NEVER had this spot come up, ever! (i've been playing for 10 years).

    I actually like flatting pre flop but on a Q high board it would be terrible to fold just because you "soul read" villain for AA. Opponent played AA terribly to be honest. That flop bet folds out almost everything! (you even nearly folded KK). This player made a terrible bet and you gotta look him up.

    I know, finally i played it standard way, as i planed call pre and on good flop going to stack off,
    but when i see that he had what i was sure he had i was thinking that i give him my stack. Dont like that
    KK 4,4$ big Quote
