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ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example

02-18-2011 , 12:57 PM
Here's a hand in which I'm pretty sure every decision I made was the nut worst it could be. BTN is a fish running 13/6 roughly, shown no previous signs of opening light. Crap like this has got to be crippling my winrate, yes?

Poker Stars $4.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t75 - 5 players - View hand 1187305
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

Hero (SB): t46426 M = 29.48
BB: t25057 M = 15.91
UTG: t39538 M = 25.10
CO: t3570 M = 2.27
BTN: t47433 M = 30.12

Pre Flop: (t1575) Hero is SB with J Q
2 folds, BTN raises to t2400, Hero calls t2000, 1 fold

Flop: (t5975) 6 5 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets t2400, Hero raises to t6111, BTN raises to t11200, Hero calls t5089

Turn: (t28375) T (2 players)
Hero bets t32751 all in
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:00 PM
As played, shoving turn is probably the only thing you can do. As for the rest of the hand.... I dunno
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02-18-2011 , 01:11 PM
I think you need a lot of history to justify something like this. And with those stats I just don't think you can expect him to fold anything on the turn so you shoving turn is pretty much the same as you c/c turn and I really don't think you're getting the price you need as i think you're only drawing to the flush.
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02-18-2011 , 01:11 PM
Why do you refer to the button playing 13/6 as a "fish", seems more like a nit to me.

This might be good spot to 3-bet preflop to something like 7000, then c-bet the flop.

As played, I like the c/r on the flop here, and I think that that will take down the pot often, but after he reraises, I think calling is pretty bad. It's time to give up on the hand.
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:11 PM
Oh dear God.

Fold pre.

Fold flop. Fold to raise on flop.

But sure as played turn shove is good.

I mean, you know this is high variance. You had a decent idea (try to take the hand away in position) and followed through by raising the flop, but once he comes back over the top he's telling you he has a real hand and he isn't letting go of it, ergo calling the flop raise and beyond is pretty spew.

A for effort tho.
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02-18-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by bill clay
Why do you refer to the button playing 13/6 as a "fish", seems more like a nit to me.

This might be good spot to 3-bet preflop to something like 7000, then c-bet the flop.

As played, I like the c/r on the flop here, and I think that that will take down the pot often, but after he reraises, I think calling is pretty bad. It's time to give up on the hand.
IMO there are three kinds of fish (or at least there are according to my player note classifications) - those that call too much (passive fish), those that raise too much (aggro fish), and those who fold too much (nitty fish). This guy was the latter.

I guess I just thought that fish was more used to refer to quality of play rather than style - he was a loser on OPR, so I chose 'fish' instead of 'nit'. Semantics, I guess.

Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Oh dear God.

Fold pre.

Fold flop. Fold to raise on flop.

But sure as played turn shove is good.

I mean, you know this is high variance. You had a decent idea (try to take the hand away in position) and followed through by raising the flop, but once he comes back over the top he's telling you he has a real hand and he isn't letting go of it, ergo calling the flop raise and beyond is pretty spew.

A for effort tho.
This is good, guys, I'm pretty sure every ounce of poker skill I have comes from being told what to do by 2p2ers so keep the criticism (constructive or otherwise) coming!
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:19 PM
At least you ain't no quitter
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:19 PM
[x] nitty fish
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:32 PM
Against this nitty fish , doesn't this seem like a really great spot to 3 bet pre? If he 4-bets, then you can easily fold and know that he has you crushed, but even these nitty fishy guys know that they can open the button pretty wide to pick up a few chips.
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by bill clay
Against this nitty fish , doesn't this seem like a really great spot to 3 bet pre? If he 4-bets, then you can easily fold and know that he has you crushed, but even these nitty fishy guys know that they can open the button pretty wide to pick up a few chips.
Yeah, I agree. I almost 3bet, not sure what stopped me.
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02-18-2011 , 01:49 PM
hate flop c/r. For one he's not cbetting that texture with overs so I doubt he ever folds to c/r.

I think flop is c/f. Also fold to the 3bet. On a dry board you can yeti cram it but not here.

As played c/f the turn.

as long as you keep your major spew to 1-3 hands/session you're alright.
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by desperad0oo7
as long as you keep your major spew to 10-30 hands/session you're alright.

ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 01:59 PM
i just blew one up with J high on A83ccc
cant berate you sry

flop is bad, just cut your losses.
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 02:02 PM
Last night I b/c then proceeded to c/c two streets 40bb at f2t of 8 gmax with AT high. At least your spew is not nearly as embarrassing.

He who has never spewed shall cast the first stone.
Go for it Sgt
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 02:07 PM
holy macarony, I don't think Checkraise-callmin3bet is the best line otf
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02-18-2011 , 02:11 PM
02-18-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by locomi
holy macarony, I don't think Checkraise-callmin3bet is the best line otf
My thinking at the time was that his min 3bet didn't really rep much, because my check-raise didn't really rep much, so my plan was to jam any 3/7/8/heart turn. Villain tanked before calling with KK, so I guess it was close to working.

However, I don't want to start sticking up for myself, that's not the point of this thread.
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02-18-2011 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Strife
Haha wow, hand is eerily similar. Great spot.

Although I would like to point out that I didn't raise/call off all my chips with just a FD, I'm not quite at that stage yet.
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02-18-2011 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by theginger45
My thinking at the time was that his min 3bet didn't really rep much, because my check-raise didn't really rep much, so my plan was to jam any 3/7/8/heart turn. Villain tanked before calling with KK, so I guess it was close to working.

However, I don't want to start sticking up for myself, that's not the point of this thread.
hehe yeah, I know it's really annoying having to fold to that min3bet, obviously u was up against a biggie donky here, but I mean, I think fold to the min3bet is best 95% of the time, donks min3bet ranges also have a lot of nuts in them here. You made your try with the c/r, now get ouut

Pre I think is close between 3betting and calling, against stationdonks I think calling is best and against weak donks and regs I think 3bet is best.
ITT everyone berates me and hopefully cures my chronic FPS, w/amusing hand example Quote
02-18-2011 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by desperad0oo7
Last night I b/c then proceeded to c/c two streets 40bb at f2t of 8 gmax with AT high. At least your spew is not nearly as embarrassing.

He who has never spewed shall cast the first stone.
Go for it Sgt
[ ] never spews

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