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This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub)

04-18-2011 , 09:38 PM
I'm going to be interviewed for the 2p2 Pokercast tonight and talking about this. As you can tell from my posts ITT, it's not going to be very uplifting. But it will be informative and will give you the facts about what's going on from an unbiased source. There's a lot of misinformation, propaganda, and opinions from people who have no idea what they're talking about floating around now.

I encourage you to download the show when it becomes available even though you'll probably feel worse after listening to it.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 09:39 PM
should be DOI imo
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 09:51 PM
front page of the NY Times online:
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
I'm going to be interviewed for the 2p2 Pokercast tonight and talking about this. As you can tell from my posts ITT, it's not going to be very uplifting. But it will be informative and will give you the facts about what's going on from an unbiased source. There's a lot of misinformation, propaganda, and opinions from people who have no idea what they're talking about floating around now.

I encourage you to download the show when it becomes available even though you'll probably feel worse after listening to it.
I didn't think your segment on QuadJacks was that depressing, it was just reality. Then again maybe you'll be saying significantly different things on the 2p2 Pokercast. Either way, it was informative and great to hear you talk about it all.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 09:57 PM
thanks for everything you do and post todd. you're certainly not obligated to do any of it (unless someones paying you to help obv), and i think many of us appreciate it more than you know. if everyone else that lurked or hasnt posted ITT yet thanked you, this thread would jump to 5k posts.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
It's not like there is some DOJ feedback department that scours Facebook in search of ways to improve. With that in mind...

LOL at that comment. in before they enact the PATRIOT act on your ass.

but agree that facebook can be very powerful in helping our case.

Last edited by desperad0oo7; 04-18-2011 at 10:07 PM.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by "88k"
thanks for everything you do and post todd. you're certainly not obligated to do any of it (unless someones paying you to help obv), and i think many of us appreciate it more than you know. if everyone else that lurked or hasnt posted ITT yet thanked you, this thread would jump to 5k posts.
+a lot, thanks Todd
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
I'm going to be interviewed for the 2p2 Pokercast tonight and talking about this. As you can tell from my posts ITT, it's not going to be very uplifting. But it will be informative and will give you the facts about what's going on from an unbiased source. There's a lot of misinformation, propaganda, and opinions from people who have no idea what they're talking about floating around now.

I encourage you to download the show when it becomes available even though you'll probably feel worse after listening to it.
Im not sure if you have mentioned this elsewhere and if you have I apologize in advance, but is your information coming from what we see in the press or do you have your own contacts?

Not questioning you or anything just wondering if the information is coming from the same sources.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by yakkers
Im not sure if you have mentioned this elsewhere and if you have I apologize in advance, but is your information coming from what we see in the press or do you have your own contacts?

Not questioning you or anything just wondering if the information is coming from the same sources.
I don't have any contacts. I'm just applying my knowledge of criminal law and the poker industry.

Edit: And unfortunately no is paying me, lol.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:01 PM
ty todd terry
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:02 PM
I am so sick of people who come in to say "this is not going to help" and "that's not useful" "government doesn't care"

Please, if you are too lazy, lack the initiative and the imagination to see the point of DOING SOMETHING or just really think it's useless then just don't post at all. If it can't hurt then you're just being a downer and a dbag since that's the last thing we need right now. Action, when it can't hurt is almost always better than inaction imo.

If you think your voice is useless then please don't use it to discourage others who might believe otherwise. ffs, don't be that guy.

Originally Posted by doh742
yeah, the rule here is that if what you say isn't what 90% of everyone believes, you are either stupid or banned.
It's called marshal law. Desperate times call for desperate measures because it's not funny when some troll causes a bunch of people to off themselves.

Last edited by desperad0oo7; 04-18-2011 at 10:14 PM.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:14 PM
i guess sir, what i meant by my post is that facebook campaigns and calling congressmen cannot alter the outcome of this. Instead of us all thinking about what can we do now to stop this, we should really be thinking about how to get legislation passed in the future to make online poker completely legal.

1. compelling, iron clad evidence that gambling on poker does not ruin everyone, or even the majority of those who do it
2. a plan that shows that online gaming can be regulated by a control board, taxed and generate much needed revenue for states and the fed govt
3. an organization founded by online gamblers to help online gamblers who do have a true addiction and are throwing their lives away.
4. leadership that has legal experience and past lobbying experience in washington
5. concrete estimates and numbers on the sheer amount of tax revenue
6. a respected company to be the "flagship" of online poker...say harrahs or MGM
7. an olive branch to religious fundamentalists, ask what we need to give in order to get there approval. maybe so much of the winnings to gambling awareness programs or christian ministries (believe, the church is your biggest enemy)
8. prove this game isn't full of cheaters who are lurking in the shadows
9. real deposit limits in place, loss limits, so people can't go off the deep end, maybe based of off declared income...ect. if you make 30k, you can't put more than 3k in a year...ect.

if we want the back, all of these things might need to be put in place to appease all our enemies.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:16 PM
why don't you do the thinking about the long run and let whoever feels like doing something about the current situation do it? It's not like there is a shortage of unemployed poker players right now.

while the future of online poker is your major concern, others are more worried about how they will be paying their bills come the end of the month so excuse me if we're not thinking 10 steps ahead.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:17 PM
in terms of the end goal of online poker being "legal" in the US (as in the UIGEA not applying to online poker) isn't the bank fraud charge pretty much whatever.

i mean if it goes to trial and the site CEOs are convicted of only bank fraud and acquitted of all the charges related to UIGEA isn't that the same, in terms of legal precedence, as being acquitted on all charges?

sure it might sink PS and FTP, but wouldn't a site like Party be more willing to re-enter the market knowing that there is legal precedence that says online poker does not equal illegal gambling as it pertains to the UIGEA.

i don't know much about the legal system and case law etc, but just a thought.

i think at this point i'm either rooting for 1) the sites to say LOL DoJ, CEOs hideout forever, and re-enter the US market tmrw or 2) go to trial and hope for the best with regard to the UIGEA-related counts. if it takes 2 or 3 years so be it. by then maybe i'll have enough experience in corporate america that i can get back into online poker in the USA on the other side of things (processing payments, etc).
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:20 PM
was just reading that. anyone want to set new line for wsop main
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:21 PM
There was an explicit announcement yesterday that ESPN is covering the WSOP. I don't think that article, which is vague, contradicts that. I think it's about them pulling the plug on the Stars infomercial NAPT broadcasts. But I could be wrong.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:22 PM
If ESPN declines to do it do we think another channel will step in?
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:25 PM
didnt see this posted yet.
richard roeper, mostly known as the movie reviewer, wrote an article for the sun times that shed light on the online-pro struggle.

Bet it wouldn’t be illegal if U.S. could grab stake stake
BY RICHARD ROEPER Apr 18, 2011 8:36PM

About once a month, I’m invited to play in a Chicago area poker tournament that raises money for a worthy cause, from the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation to cystic fibrosis. I also co-host a tournament that benefits the Urban Prep Academies.

One also can play in real money poker tournaments in Midwest casinos such as the Hammond Horseshoe. A first-place finish can yield anywhere from a few thousand bucks to $40,000 or more for a World Series of Poker circuit win.

It’s all perfectly legit and perfectly legal. Texas Hold ’em is a game that requires great skill — some of the top players are math geniuses who think like master chess players — but also a fair amount of luck, which makes it all the more challenging and exciting. The poker boom of the early 2000s has waned, but you still see all sorts of poker shows on ESPN, NBC and the Game Show Network, among other outlets.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans also enjoy playing poker online, where they can stack their wits, money and their brass you-know-what against players from around the world.

At least that’s the way it worked until last Friday, when the three largest online poker sites where charged with bank fraud, gambling offenses and money laundering, and American players were shut out of the online poker community.

Log on, cash out, you’re done

Believe it or not, there are literally thousands of individuals who do this full-time — sitting in front of multiple computer screens, playing for eight, 10, 12 hours a day, grinding out a living wage (and in some cases a lot more than a living wage).

Now, unless they leave the country, they’re out of work.

The cat-and-mouse game between the online operators and U.S. authorities has been going on for years, with the government claiming the poker sites are in violation of the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act, even if the sites are headquartered offshore.

In this latest salvo, which could be the death knell for online poker in the States, the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office said the founders of PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker engaged in bank fraud, money laundering and illegal gambling.

The government issued restraining orders against 75 bank accounts in more than a dozen countries and even seized the Internet domain names used by the sites.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said the defendants “concocted an elaborate criminal fraud scheme, alternately tricking some U.S. banks and effectively bribing others to assure the continued flow of billions in illegal gambling profits . . . [and] engaged in massive money laundering and bank fraud.”

Countered the Poker Players Alliance: “On behalf of the millions of poker players across the country, we are shocked at the action taken by the U.S. Department of Justice . . . against online poker companies and will continue to fight for Americans’ right to participate in the game they enjoy. Online poker is not a crime and should not be treated as such.”

God bless America!

One can debate the methodology of the online site operators — but does anyone actually believe it should be illegal for Americans to play poker for real money on their computers? Why? What’s the difference between playing poker online and playing poker in a casino (other than the increased rate of speed online)? Why is online poker somehow more nefarious than playing the lottery, betting the horses, buying a church raffle tickets, shooting craps on a riverboat?

Answer: it’s not. And I’ll bet if the government could figure out a way to take their slice of the huge online gambling pie, it would rethink its position.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:28 PM
Cant wait for the 2p2 podcast to be up.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by desperad0oo7
why don't you do the thinking about the long run and let whoever feels like doing something about the current situation do it? It's not like there is a shortage of unemployed poker players right now.

while the future of online poker is your major concern, others are more worried about how they will be paying their bills come the end of the month so excuse me if we're not thinking 10 steps ahead.
dude, most of us are thinking every day how to pay the bills at the end of the month, its called life. yeah, this is a bad bad thing for you i get it, some of us actually work 60 hours a week in decent jobs and still have to decide on which utility we can skip for the next 30 days. its rough out there for everyone. Sorry if this is the end of your world, but some people have been worried about money a lot longer than the last two days. The next 15 years doesn't look good for me with long term debt and other issues from mistakes when i was your age, but i won't take your head off if you tell me i should have planned better. thats life kid, deal with it.

you said you are 21...and the fact that this is your income makes me believe you really aren't part of the world that most of us are. When the DOJ brings a charge like this, the outcome is pretty much pre-determined. TT, is the other attorney who posted right that DOJ has never lost a case?

You can call me a troll or whatever Desp. I guess if you want to think about what to do now, you can do it all you wish.

personally, if i want to make suggestions about what we might need to do long term to make this work, then i should be able to.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by doh742
TT, is the other attorney who posted right that DOJ has never lost a case?
LOL, no.

Edit: But they don't lose very often.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by doh742
dude, most of us are thinking every day how to pay the bills at the end of the month, its called life. yeah, this is a bad bad thing for you i get it, some of us actually work 60 hours a week in decent jobs and still have to decide on which utility we can skip for the next 30 days. its rough out there for everyone. Sorry if this is the end of your world, but some people have been worried about money a lot longer than the last two days. The next 15 years doesn't look good for me with long term debt and other issues from mistakes when i was your age, but i won't take your head off if you tell me i should have planned better. thats life kid, deal with it.

you said you are 21...and the fact that this is your income makes me believe you really aren't part of the world that most of us are. When the DOJ brings a charge like this, the outcome is pretty much pre-determined. TT, is the other attorney who posted right that DOJ has never lost a case?

You can call me a troll or whatever Desp. I guess if you want to think about what to do now, you can do it all you wish.

personally, if i want to make suggestions about what we might need to do long term to make this work, then i should be able to.
Ok man, I'm not 21, not a poker pro, not an american citizen and I have a job that pays a breakevenish salary and even though I lost 75% of my net worth to this disaster(assuming I receive my tax returns), have sacrificed my entire social life and well being for poker in the last 8 or so months and even though I have no idea now how ill be paying for med school reapplication fees if I don't get in this cycle and have no idea how I will pay for travel expenses to go home and get my visa sorted out if I do get in. despite all that I have the sense to realize that my situation is not nearly as bad as that of other players who depended completely on poker for a living and have responsibilities to take care of. So, no, I don't think you really get how bad this os for some people out there. I an not nearly as upset at my situation as I am at theirs. So please stop patronizing me. I assure you I have been through enough experience, suffering and disasters in my 24 years of life to have a pretty good idea what this world is about.

Last edited by desperad0oo7; 04-18-2011 at 11:15 PM. Reason: deal with the typos
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by charder30
ESPN is still going to broadcast the WSOP.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:50 PM
tt killing it itt.

youre a huge asset to us/these boards. thanks for doing what you do here. gl with the liveaments.
This isn't good (USA DOJ indictment of Stars/ftp/ub) Quote
