Here we can say our total equity would be:
EV = (P_win*EQ_win + P_lose*EQ_lose) for the SB and BB and the EQ of them folding and winning uncontested is (SB_Calling%+ BB_Calling%) My question is how do we calculate our ICM equity if the BB is all in
like the following hand, or if we assume the combined calling ranges to be over 100%
UTG: t1500 (15 bb)
MP: t1500(15 bb)
CO: t1500(15 bb)
Hero (BTN): t1500(15 bb)
SB: t1500(15 bb)
BB: t100(1 bb)
Thanks in advance for any help
probability of each end possibility x value of the possibility, rinse repeat.
In the op, since it is 1 player to act behind us, we just have to do the same calculation, but the value for sb fold is our flip vs bb for 2.5bb. if we are called by sb, then the calc has to account for the sidepot. You should assume can assume that when btn/sb wins vs bb 3way, they win vs other one. so when we called by SB the 4 possibilities are we win whole pot, we win main pot bb win side, we lose (bb win side pot who care) and we lose (bb lose side pot who cares). value of hero fold is different as well, since u can assume sb is 100% vs bb so they will always flip.