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How's my call on the river here? How's my call on the river here?

01-16-2008 , 08:26 PM
Full Tilt Poker, NL Hold'em Tournament, 800/1,600 Blinds, 200 Ante, 6 Players

BB: 38,632
UTG: 13,922
MP: 24,415
Hero (CO): 53,766
BTN: 17,712
SB: 28,619

Pre-Flop: (3,600) J T dealt to Hero (CO)
2 folds, Hero calls 1,600, 2 folds, BB checks

Flop: (5,200) K 6 K (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: (5,200) T (2 Players)
BB bets 1,600, Hero calls 1,600

River: (8,400) 4 (2 Players)
BB bets 3,200, Hero calls 3,200

BB is not a crazy aggro player or anything, but i've seen him make plays at pots he clearly wasn't ahead in. Call is fine here?
How's my call on the river here? Quote
01-16-2008 , 08:42 PM
Since a T is very high in your range on the turn, you should call here in my opinion. Your range on the turn is probably any pair and som A high?
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01-16-2008 , 08:54 PM
I would´nt call the the riverbet. When he didn´t have the King with a low kicker (some would check the flop after hitting a set), it is also possible that he hit the 10 with a higher kicker after the flop or got his flush after the river.
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01-16-2008 , 09:00 PM
I think it's likely enough that he could value bet a worse hand or try to bluff A high or a a small pair.
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01-17-2008 , 09:54 AM
As played and with that read I think a call is fine. Be ready to be called a donk when you win

I hate the preflop limp. Raise or fold preflop. I'd probably raise but you're vulnerable to a resteal by one of the blinds.
How's my call on the river here? Quote
01-17-2008 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by PeanutFlush
As played and with that read I think a call is fine. Be ready to be called a donk when you win

I hate the preflop limp. Raise or fold preflop. I'd probably raise but you're vulnerable to a resteal by one of the blinds.
I agree, i should of raised preflop. And I did end up calling, and he had complete air. I didn't get called a donk, but I was waiting for it. lol.
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01-17-2008 , 05:45 PM
Looks pretty standard, but villian made a backdoor flush a lot.
How's my call on the river here? Quote
01-17-2008 , 09:17 PM
definitely raise preflop. meh i probably call the river. i def think you are beat here but you are getting pretty nasty pott odds and there is definitely part of his range that you beat. also you are super deep and can take the hit. sparknotes = raise flop raise turn
How's my call on the river here? Quote
01-17-2008 , 10:20 PM
I don't think a smart opponent is ever bluffing that river. You could have 1 of 3 things the way that hand played. slow played king (not folding), backdoor flush (not folding), pair of tens...folding maybe 20-40% of the time.

Since he can probably rule out a huge ace you just didn't want to fold on the turn, there's very few hands he would put you on that would entice him to bet the river.

It's also likely if he had a pair of tens, he would either check or make a somewhat defensive bet with that board and your call on turn. You really can't beat anything but a stupid bluff if you are against a good opponent. But since this is the low stakes forum, I'd say you have to pay the guy at least 75% cause he probably thinks you are weak or were drawing...and he seems to be making a standard "I flopped it, so twice what I just bet" sort of wager. a.k.a " I have nothing". Good chance the guy is a steamer and he had nothing.

By the way, what did he have?
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01-17-2008 , 10:46 PM
Raise preflop. As played postflop looks good based on your read.
How's my call on the river here? Quote
01-18-2008 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Warnaldo
I don't think a smart opponent is ever bluffing that river. You could have 1 of 3 things the way that hand played. slow played king (not folding), backdoor flush (not folding), pair of tens...folding maybe 20-40% of the time.

Since he can probably rule out a huge ace you just didn't want to fold on the turn, there's very few hands he would put you on that would entice him to bet the river.

It's also likely if he had a pair of tens, he would either check or make a somewhat defensive bet with that board and your call on turn. You really can't beat anything but a stupid bluff if you are against a good opponent. But since this is the low stakes forum, I'd say you have to pay the guy at least 75% cause he probably thinks you are weak or were drawing...and he seems to be making a standard "I flopped it, so twice what I just bet" sort of wager. a.k.a " I have nothing". Good chance the guy is a steamer and he had nothing.

By the way, what did he have?
Nothing, Q9 I raked the pot.
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01-18-2008 , 09:20 PM
looks fine to me. anyone like min raise on the turn?
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01-18-2008 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by halpgr
Raise preflop. As played postflop looks good based on your read.
70% Call, 30% Fold based on reads. A
How's my call on the river here? Quote
01-18-2008 , 09:56 PM
I very very rarely open limp but I think if you choose to, and you enter a flop with just the BB who checks to you on a KKx flop you should "cbet" air, which JT is. Turn/river are definitely fine, folding is pretty bad getting those odds & the fact he could be value/block betting worse, as well as he has air some of the time.
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