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How would you have played it? How would you have played it?

11-20-2008 , 03:50 PM
Ok. I'm playing a $225 buy-in, deepstack (5K starting chips) MTT at the Commerce earlier this week. About 350 players entered and they're paying the top 36. About 80 players remain, with chip average of about $22K.

I have about $15K. Player to my right is hyper aggressive and tilting after losing a few big pots. He has about $25K.

I'm on the SB and Mr. Tilt is on the button. Blinds are $400/$800 with a $100 ante. So I have a fair amount of chips...well, I'm not crippled.

Action folds all the way around to the button and he raises to $3,500. I put him on a steal and look down at 10-10.

I push, BB folds and Tilt calls with AK and, of course, spikes a K on the flop and knocks me out.

Could I have simply called? Or was I correct to push?
How would you have played it? Quote
11-20-2008 , 03:55 PM
I most likely would have posted in the right forum


As for your question I would say

Yes, Yes
How would you have played it? Quote
11-20-2008 , 04:03 PM
Moved it to small stakes since it's a basic play. Push all day. You just got unlucky.
How would you have played it? Quote
11-20-2008 , 04:06 PM
This is a super standard push with 20 BB's against a button open
How would you have played it? Quote
