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How do you aviod trips when you flop top pair? How do you aviod trips when you flop top pair?

01-02-2008 , 07:26 PM
This question has been bothering me lately. We all love getting trips on the flop with our low pocket pairs, but what do we do when the situation is reversed.

For example, you raise on the button with AK and the BB calls. The flop comes K 7 T rainbow. You don't have much information on the BB. He checks, you bet, he raises.

How do you avoid potentially going all in here? Lets say it's late in a tournament and the blinds are large enough that after he raised, to call would be ~ 1/2 your chips. Can you avoid losing all your chips to 77 here? Or is it just something you hope doesn't happen.
How do you aviod trips when you flop top pair? Quote
01-02-2008 , 07:42 PM
Difficult to say, he could have 77, or another low pair, or Kx (KK even is he is slow playing), perhaps even TT, or Tx. Beauty of poker innit? He shows power and you don't have a read on him. Without any info, you bet and his response - basically - means he has something till proven otherwise. Unless i have some info on him i would fault. Next time he tries such a sneaky trick you'll make him pay.
How do you aviod trips when you flop top pair? Quote
01-02-2008 , 08:08 PM
There's a special code you have to type in when you make your preflop raise. If you do it right, nobody will be able to flop trips against you. It varies from site to site, and doesn't really apply to live play, however.
How do you aviod trips when you flop top pair? Quote
01-02-2008 , 08:27 PM
I would push all in and if my opponent had trips, so be it.

Then I would make the straight by the river, lol.
How do you aviod trips when you flop top pair? Quote
01-02-2008 , 08:42 PM
Besides the fact that you can't flop trips w a pp...........seriously,unless you are superdeepstacked,you go broke.As long as you have no reads,you can't fold.Dunno what else to say. You can't worry qbout monsters under the bed every hand.
How do you aviod trips when you flop top pair? Quote
