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02-06-2016 , 10:10 PM

Bubble to FT, push is EV+; but you guys still fold in this spot on FT bubble?
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02-06-2016 , 10:37 PM
im never folding here shove is fine.
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02-07-2016 , 02:17 AM
Depends on the exact pay structure and the other stack sizes at the other table. I'm leaning towards an open fold from this position and shoving it from the button if first in.

You don't have a ton of fold equity with that stack, and from that position you have to get through too many hands. If you get called you're pretty much never ahead, and I don't like flipping for my stack with pay jumps right around the corner.

This is assuming there are some other shortish stacks. If you are far and away the short stack of the 10 left I'm ok shoving here from UTG because the ICM implications are less prevalent and do not outweigh the +cEV of shoving.
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02-07-2016 , 07:03 AM
In reality this move is +cEV but -$EV in a long run. If called you're drawing very slim and id openfold first to act.
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02-07-2016 , 08:24 AM
You don't have a ton of fold equity with that stack
wait, whut?
With the FT bubble we have massive FE on everybody but the bigstack imo.

This is a shove, but no.. never happy to get called here.
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02-07-2016 , 12:00 PM
If there 1-2 ~2bb stacks in other table I might muck this, but otherwise I am happily shoving here.
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02-07-2016 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by F0ldz!ll@
wait, whut?
With the FT bubble we have massive FE on everybody but the bigstack imo.

This is a shove, but no.. never happy to get called here.
Yeah I didn't look too closely at all the stack sizes. It's nice when OP's convert their hand and post it in the thread.

Point taken, although I feel the "final table bubble" is a bit of a misnomer. It's not usually a huge pay jump, and personally I'll gladly call a short-stack shove without much ICM fear (assuming it's +cEV).
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02-08-2016 , 03:48 PM
Thanks all for the feedback! I think my shove was ok then.

As a curiosity, the very next day I was on a very similar situation on the Hot $1, that one with A5o in a EV+ push spot. I muck my hand, made the FT... but then busted 9th when had to shove Kxo 7BBs on SB (clashing against JKo on BB). And yes, payjump 10th->9th isn't really that big, is more the feeling of made the FT.
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02-08-2016 , 05:31 PM
Not folding any pair 5 handed ...we are pretty desperate. River 4 one time! (10th is so gut wrenching)
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02-11-2016 , 12:25 AM
Unless 10 bbs is way ahead of multiple people at the other table, this is a great spot to shove. Unlucky.
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