Could 3bet pre if he flats check/shove flop . Could flat pre check/raise flop
I think you call on turn to fold on river on a card that changes nothing isn't the best especially against a super aggro player so if this was your plan to fold to river bet you should folded turn
Last edited by Antricko123; 03-31-2015 at 06:44 PM.
This is a tough one - I'm not a fan of a 3 bet oop as you are often in tough spots -
I think play from the flop onwards depends on what kind of aggressive you think he is - his cbet stats suggest someone agro in small pots but not a real maniac - if this is right the flop call is fine (and in real time I'll usually do this) - but you are maybe better off with a raise - it turns your hand into a bluff if re-raised - but the flop hits your range better than his and most even aggro players will fold their air.
As played I think it's a sigh fold on the turn - it hits his range quite hard and although its a good barreling card he doesn't seem to go mad with barreling & like antricko said if you're calling turn you have to plan to call a blank river