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HH Review : $ 55 DNG sunday HH Review : $ 55 DNG sunday

02-09-2011 , 06:03 PM
Hey fellas,

I'm going to pull a Strife and ask some kind souls to look over a deep run of mine in the 55 dng last Superbowl Sunday. Please don't be shy and critiscize my play especially late in this thing because I'm quite sure I played too tight opening / general goofy play postflop. The point of posting this is hopefully for everyone to get something out of it. (esp me cause i suck! )

Link to text file :

Link to universal replayer :

Very eager to hear responses !

PS - (My stats early on were around 17/14 vpip/pfr and around 11/11 later on but I got moved to different tables quite often.)
HH Review : $ 55 DNG sunday Quote
02-09-2011 , 08:43 PM
100% will download this later and will attempt my best to share some thoughts. I myself feel that I play way too nitty late in stuff so maybe I will see some similarities

Ty for posting though, and tbh I think that looking at other peoples tournament runs is a great way for people to learn if they want to actually improve their game. Lots of ppl should definately download the file and look over some hands.
HH Review : $ 55 DNG sunday Quote
02-09-2011 , 11:01 PM
Ill take a look at this too later when I get a moment
HH Review : $ 55 DNG sunday Quote
02-10-2011 , 01:06 AM
I dont have time to really get into or look over it all, but there are a few things that i saw. Your opening raise size pf was very inconsistant. You changed the raise size a lot and from what I saw you were opening bigger than you need to. You should be opening 2.2-to a miniraise. I just use a miniraise as my standard. Also you can be a little more agg post flop with your cbetting. You opening and flating range pf was also very inconsistant. I saw you flat ATs pf once and then straight fold AQs to a single opener pf and then one time you opened Q9o from UTG+2 and then open fold KQs UTG. Im not an expert but just a few of the things I saw.
HH Review : $ 55 DNG sunday Quote
02-10-2011 , 02:44 PM
Just a few thoughts... I think you played well... obv the changing of betsizing isn't a great idea.

Hand 155 -where you flat AJo in BB I think c/r flop is bad. the board is so dry that he isn't going to continue with much that you beat (he did have 88 tho so w/e).

Hand 316- Q8s your open is way way too loose. But call is correct once he shoves.

Hand 329- you call pre with 22 when HJ shoves 12BB and I think that this would be too thin if villain is tight, but obv if you have reads then its fine (he did have K8o, which against this range which is like top 30% it is a call with 22)

Hand 339- T8s- pre has got to be pretty thin, when you click it back pre villain is getting almost 4 to 1 on a call and can call with almost ATC... and at villains depth and being OOP there are going to be a lot of flops that villain can happily get 1pair or draws allin with which is bad for your hand.

Hand 368 you r/c pre and and this is too wide... you should call KQo tho.

Hand 374- you donk KQs, but given dry board texture villain is going to float a lot IP, and most of his floats are better than your KQ.

Hand 462- 33- with 6 ppl left to ask I am pretty sure this is too wide. Might be wrong but shoving 66+ here is way better

Hand 486- not sure about pre, he raises UTG+1 9 handed and you shove the HJ. lots of ppl left to act and villain prob has a strong range here (reads would be relevant tho).

Hand 502- Q6s- with 20BB pre I think pre is bad. losing 2BBs is really not good when you are at this depth. Obv picking up the blinds is nice but I just don't think your hand is strong enough from this position.

Hand 503- std.

Last edited by qazikm2000; 02-10-2011 at 02:49 PM.
HH Review : $ 55 DNG sunday Quote
