Help with some ICM calculations.
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 186
Blinds: 100/200
CO: 2000
BTN: 2000 <-Hero
SB: 4750
BB: 4750
Hero wants to steal blinds with a 500 bet.
SB&BB will repush with: 44+,A7s+, AJ+ and BB will fold all hands if SB pushes. (Even AA for simplicity reasons).
(P(steal)*0.2027 + P(someone pushes) * P(win)*0.2966) - 0.1850
(0.8*0.2027 + 0.2 (P(win)*0.2966))-0,1850
= 0.16216 + 0.05932*P(win) - 0.1850 -> P(win)>38.5% for +$EV
Did i miss something or would it be profitable to steal and call reshove here with 38,5% Equity against {44+,A7s+,AJ+}?
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 17,026
looks like your process is correct.