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Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder

01-10-2008 , 12:29 PM
Hey everyone I had a quick question.

I spent my Christmas break away from my apartment with family back home and didn't have internet access for my laptop. I spent a few hours a day and worked with SNGPT running every tournament I had on my hard drive through it and then thinking of some unique situations of my own and creating ranges and checking out the numbers. I would definitely say I have a very good poker memory and have most of the obvious (and less obvious) push/fold situations memorized.

I started my poker year Sunday and ran pretty good for the first 2 days booking a $201 win followed by a $180 win. The next day I profited $40 after being down as much as 13 buy-ins during the middle of my session. Yesterday I played 5 sets of 12 (60 sngs) and teeter-tottered the entire day between up, down and breakeven. I ended down like $7 which isn't a huge deal (only a buyin) so I fired up another 12 tables and ran cold and finished my day down like $70. I'm not complaining at all as I know this is completely standard, and I am not really questioning any of my play as I am at the top of my game and running any questionable hands through SNGPT or seeking peer review through 2p2 and AIM.

Part of it stems from me not running as well. The 60/40s went the other way yesterday after 3 days in my favor. But the bigger part seems to be how much lighter people are calling me. I shove wide in a variety of spots so long as it's +EV. I pass up very few edges even if they are miniscule, and people are either adjusting (is that even possible at 6.50s, I have ran into like 4 regulars 2 of whom post in this forum) or just catching the right cards at the right time. People are calling off 1/2 their stack to my 8BB shoves SBvBB with T6o all day long. If people seem to be calling me this wide how much should I adjust my shoving range?

I'm still relatively new at working with ranges and definitely find it to be my weakest area in SNGs. Is it even necessary for me to adjust? Or should I just keep taking my small edges, wait for variance to even out, and reward me?

Thanks in advance for any tips or hints
Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder Quote
01-10-2008 , 12:48 PM
Meh im a 6.50 regular but not sure if i can help much. The unknowns seem to have all types of calling ranges , some super loose retarted calls , and some real tight ones once it's bubble time. Regs will def start calling you lighter bvb as i've been noticing the past week since i've been putting in volume. I rarely try and PWN the bubble unless im almost 100% sure the 2nd bigstack are gonna call as tight as they should (or close) , because too many times have i tried doing so and the 2nd stack (with a stack 3bb or less around about to bubble) decides he is gonna call my push with A7o or some crap because i've been pushing nearly every hand. So i tend to pass up some small edges when bubble time vs idiot 2nd stacks (if im big stack) , it's so many unknowns at the 6.50's though that you just have to try and make a educated (hud stats) guess of there calling ranges IMO.
I run into maybe 5-6 regulars from time to time at the 6.50's , not to mention the past two weeks i've had sippin , and albatross77 in quite a few of my sets (wtf , i might as well b playing 16s??).. almost made me want to attempt to table select the 6.5's lol.
Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder Quote
01-10-2008 , 02:18 PM
if you are good, you should have a huge edge over the competition in the 6.5's. so if you are making large pushes or large calls, put in a .3 or .4 min edge. you really dont want to gamble a lot of chips with a .1 min edge.

and typically if you are making 10 bb pushes and have a solid range, a bad player is doing you a big favor by calling you light.

other than that just post hands.
Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder Quote
01-10-2008 , 02:37 PM
I don't call wide at all

I guess my biggest error is assuming people know what they're doing and shoving too wide, mostly at 100/200a25 while I still have fold equity with a 7-8BB stack.

I don't really have a solid shoving range for a 10BB stack is my biggest problem. 90% of the time SBvBB my range rhymes with "many blue shards"
Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder Quote
01-10-2008 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
I don't call wide at all

I guess my biggest error is assuming people know what they're doing and shoving too wide, mostly at 100/200a25 while I still have fold equity with a 7-8BB stack.

I don't really have a solid shoving range for a 10BB stack is my biggest problem. 90% of the time SBvBB my range rhymes with "many blue shards"
Just mess with wiz. I've cut down on my ATC pushes when i have like 15+bbs and BB has 10 or less , not that im not pushing wide , just not ATC. But with 7-8bb pre bubble at 100/200 a25 ATC bvb is usually good. Also on the bubble if you & another stack is around 10bb i try not to push ATC into a big stack because they tend to call a lot more.
If a reg is pushing into your bb bvb you should probabally play with wiz and find out what you should be calling with becuz chances are they are on ATC and you might b folding hands you should call with (like if you pushed into me and effective stack is less than 10bb im gonna b calling you wider than you think , esp b4 the bubble)... , I personally need to work on getting an idea of what i should be calling with when i know villian is on ATC bvb in different situations. I think that's gonna be something critical to learn when i move up to the 16s , but havn't gotten much of a chance of learning it since most 6.50 unknowns are not pushing wide bvb.
Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder Quote
01-11-2008 , 08:36 AM
My advice to you would be to realize that sometimes you are going to be off with your reads/ranges no matter what. It's important to understand how ranges slightly wider/tighter will effect what you should be pushing in different spots, always play around with the ranges with SNGPT and see what happens.

Don't just tighten up because "this one time some guy called me with hand X", also think about all the times that your opponent has been folding too often. This is especially true when playing HU or pushing from the SB, don't be afraid to stick to ATC.

Keep track of your table image and make small adjustments. Don't respect any regs at the $6.5s
Help Adjusting Ranges? .50 Grinder Quote
