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guys everybody is mean warch out guys everybody is mean warch out

09-09-2007 , 02:24 AM
everybody s mean nonbody everybo call sjheetts but i thought it was lincoln for real my friend lincoln bt it was really sheets they just said it was mt frine dlincolnd butr eallt it was sheets and sheeets already made at me i wudnt hace calle dnhgim nbut hteysaid it was my friend linclmn
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:27 AM
I djk
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:29 AM
I djk

iiii no i dindt mean to all him they hadnnme the phoene and they told it me was my friend lincln from high school but u it was sheets and i dindt even mean to call sheets and then i threw the phone
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:30 AM
I djk

iiii no i dindt mean to all him they hadnnme the phoene and they told it me was my friend lincln from high school but u it was sheets and i dindt even mean to call sheets and then i threw the phone

dont worry, you'll get revenge

also, I bet Sheets lol'ed, he appreciates that kind of stuff
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:33 AM
I djk

iiii no i dindt mean to all him they hadnnme the phoene and they told it me was my friend lincln from high school but u it was sheets and i dindt even mean to call sheets and then i threw the phone

dont worry, you'll get revenge

also, I bet Sheets lol'ed, he appreciates that kind of stuff
' mnn o but lastn night i called him and he wasnt ahappy vcuz the whole huse got woken up and tonight again i called him but i was tricked my rfirends are mean i didnt mean to call hoim cu i knew he was mad at me i ditn mean to call him they told me it was klincokn
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:35 AM
is there a place where we can save this thread forever
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:36 AM
LOL dan is trashed. what a [censored] lightweight. Me, Mr. Big Queso, and Djk are all at Dipthrongs house
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09-09-2007 , 02:38 AM
ya i told him was lincoln

guess thats what two beers and a hard ice tea might do to a guy who weighs 85 lbs.
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:39 AM
I djk
i know na meicnie erftgo turn u back into an human from a penguin, i told u u were haning out with the penguins tgo much now ur a penguin but i van fix it
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:39 AM
wait, so you're all hanging out at someone's house and simultaneously posting online?
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:40 AM
someone PM me djk's aim so I can talk to him

He gave it to me at TurningStone but I'm too ******ed to remember, even though I told him I didnt need to write it down because I could definitely remember
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:40 AM
wait, so you're all hanging out at someone's house at simultaneously posting online?
marduck ur alright butr sdsxhqundeeeb mufffin is wakling nas turjs and takogs okay mardk ur aright
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:41 AM
mnjaspoker 98 i didnt even think ur got aim in the nroth ople but myu aim name is jksd8862
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09-09-2007 , 02:42 AM
thanks dude. i didn't get like half the words there but it's cool.
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09-09-2007 , 02:44 AM
guys im nopt playng poker im ust sitting tin this char
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09-09-2007 , 02:44 AM
$ I love you youngins.
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09-09-2007 , 02:46 AM
<3 shaundeeb
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09-09-2007 , 02:46 AM
$ I love you youngins.
ijnnoy young im freakjinf 178bv uyears old there are fucjking millins fo csjhikids inn tis nworlkd oiwho are less than 18 yrs old im notn fiufk yongg n oh and congrats on the wcp
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:47 AM
yah but they are all cooler then you and good at kickbal. GO back to middleschool with swamptaint.
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09-09-2007 , 02:52 AM
i tried to takce mtr big queso but hes too [censored] fatg and he was sitting on me and he was laying one and i knew he was lkatying on me but he said he wasnt but he was hjiurng me
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09-09-2007 , 02:55 AM
wacky internet kids.
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09-09-2007 , 02:55 AM
hi dan im right next too u. hugs?
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09-09-2007 , 03:01 AM
hi dan. hugs?
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09-09-2007 , 03:05 AM
i call bull, i've been as drunk as anyone and still would never type like that... maybe...
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09-09-2007 , 03:07 AM
[censored] U U [censored] DRUNK BITCH I WILL TEAR U TO PIECCES
guys everybody is mean warch out Quote
