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>>>Official STTF **** thread, April: BJORN EDITION<<< >>>Official STTF **** thread, April: BJORN EDITION<<<

04-27-2008 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by bengiec
i've been listening to them for the past week or so. i definitely like them a lot. got any more musical suggestions? not necessarily the same as regurgitator, i like just about anything.
I'll give you a list of what I've recently been into, if you like. You might like some of it. If you do, let me know, and I'll try to think of something a bit similar.

Lali Puna, what you might call electropop. Also the Notwist. More guitary but the same basic idea.
Mr Scruff, jazzy turntablism with a sense of humour.
Ricardo Villalobos, minimal techno with above-average intelligence.
M83, soaring shoegazey pop, a bit like Air on steroids. Not the new album though, it sucks ring.
Maserati, upbeat postrock. Endlessly cycling guitar lines and propulsive rhythm section.
Ulrich Schnauss, quality new shoegaze, only occasonally slips into the MOR.
Songs Ohia, brilliant new country, raw and powerful.
Bong Ra, off-the-wall ragga-influenced breakcore. Takes getting used to but easier than Kid 606 or Venetian Snares.
Aphex Twin, outstanding talent across the range of IDM. What you get would depend on what you d/l'd. I'd begin with something like Chosen lords or the first Selected Ambient Works (not ambient at all, as it happens), because some of his drillnbass stuff is an acquired taste to say the least.
04-27-2008 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
It pretty clearly aspires to be more than entertaining. And at that it is a failure. Additionally it's not all that entertaining.
I found it entertaining enough, but I'm not always looking for life lessons from films.
04-27-2008 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by BHokie1
I feel tad bit evil for laughing at this
Well, I agree with the kid that it's "fun to do bad things" but you need to develop a healthy respect for the risk/reward of getting away with it. Clearly, the kid lives in what he sees as a risk-free environment. That perception needs to change. At least they're charging him with some serious **** so they can scare the living hell out of him with the prospect of getting thrown in kiddie jail with a bunch of very bad bigger kids.
04-27-2008 , 08:25 PM
the notwist is pretty good electronica w/ vocals and I just got their CD. Pretty chill imo
04-27-2008 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Slim Pickens
Well, I agree with the kid that it's "fun to do bad things" but you need to develop a healthy respect for the risk/reward of getting away with it. Clearly, the kid lives in what he sees as a risk-free environment. That perception needs to change. At least they're charging him with some serious **** so they can scare the living hell out of him with the prospect of getting thrown in kiddie jail with a bunch of very bad bigger kids.
I blame the video games
04-27-2008 , 08:28 PM
People always overcompensate when it comes to fight club, either "it sucks cause its popular and I dont follow trends" or "BEST MOVIE EVER, IT MEANS SOMETHING!!!!"

Its a good movie, its not a life changing movie or anything like that and it does get overglorified but its still quality.

Bones ygpm
04-27-2008 , 08:30 PM
Did the black kid say "I wanted to do hoodrat stuff w/ my friend?"
04-27-2008 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by vers
Did the black kid say "I wanted to do hoodrat stuff w/ my friend?"
rofl he did say that, what a little bitch doesnt even know what hoodrat means. Best part of the vid tho is the whiteass cop named ellen lovejoy. Boy shouldve started freestyling instead anyways

I mean its capital punishment when Im runnin **** no one wants to **** with this not even a nice succubus, Im on some other **** I read comic books, I made a ****in pentagram in my bedroom hey mama look!
04-27-2008 , 09:48 PM
People always overcompensate when it comes to fight club, either "it sucks cause its popular and I dont follow trends" or "BEST MOVIE EVER, IT MEANS SOMETHING!!!!"
Well it certainly is vastly over rated, but that doesn't mean people who hate on it are over compensating. It failed in 2 key parts. The twist could be seen coming pretty easily and it fails miserably as having any depth, meaning, or philosophical implications.

The plot as a whole is only mildly entertaining. If the plot were stronger I could see it in being held in much higher esteem in my eyes, but after having seen it once, I have no desire to ever watch it again.

It does have some nice quotables though. "...You are not your ****ing khakis"
04-27-2008 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by manbearpig
I guess I am just slow but I still have not figured this out. I am using PT2 fwiw.

I didn't see anything in the Preferences tab that looked like what I would need to do. Under the Position Stats tab you can select number of players in a hand to view the stats. Is that what you were talking about?

If so, how do I create filters that will be auto recognized by PAHUD?
04-27-2008 , 09:59 PM
You use the filters in PAHUD
04-27-2008 , 10:00 PM
manbearpig try explaining a little better. i think i know what your trying to do but im not going to type it out yet.
04-27-2008 , 10:22 PM
This movie discussion is lol. They are movies...just movies...something most people just sit down to do when all they feel like doing is laying on the couch. Movie snobs, beer snobs, wine snobs, music snobs all tilt me.
04-27-2008 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
This movie discussion is lol. They are movies...just movies...something most people just sit down to do when all they feel like doing is laying on the couch. Movie snobs, beer snobs, wine snobs, music snobs all tilt me.
but poker snobs are ok? what we do isnt that different from a movie discussion board.
04-27-2008 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
You use the filters in PAHUD
Jeez. I am ******ed. Thanks so much. Not sure why I didn't think of looking in PAHUD earlier.

How do you guys normally break it down?


That sound about right?
04-27-2008 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
but poker snobs are ok? what we do isnt that different from a movie discussion board.
The point of movies is to entertain someone. If you enjoy watching a movie, it is a good movie. You aren't wrong if you like Fight Club more than American History X, or like Dogma more than Clerks. It is your opinion and trying to convince someone else what they should like is ridiculous. People can be entertained by movies that got killed critically, it happens all the time.

The point of poker is to win money. If you think cold calling 4bet shoves 100bbs deep with 23o is good, you are wrong. It's not a matter of opinion; it's fact. Anyone who wants to achieve the goal of poker, winning money, can't expect to do so in the long run if they make mathematically horrid decisions on a a regular basis.
04-27-2008 , 11:02 PM
I like arguing about movies.


I think the Nihilism for Dummies stuff was fine. It wasn't brilliantly done, but I think it was clever at times and didn't beat your over the head so badly that you were distracted from the story.

The plot twist thing tends to kind of limit how good a movie can be. Like it can be "oh, that's clever," and then you forget about the movie. I thought 6th Sense was very good in that way, but I'm not really interested in seeing it again. There was another movie like that that I think was good, but well, some of you I'm sure haven't seen it and if I mention it now it will be a spoiler.

There were a lot of compelling scenes in Fight Club. It wasn't the greatest put together, but a few good scenes and not having to roll my eyes and twiddle my thumbs during a movie is pretty good imo.

Some people are inclined to hate a movie because of a couple flaws, but to me if a movie has a few good parts I'm generally happy. A good example is The Caine Mutiny. It's generally fairly boring, but it has two of the best scenes ever and so I pretty strongly recommend it.
04-27-2008 , 11:03 PM
Yuk. I hate inverse snobs because things don't stop sucking just because people with no taste buy them.

Last edited by drzen; 04-27-2008 at 11:04 PM. Reason: Yuk at levellers, not at microbet
04-27-2008 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Velocity
The point of movies is to entertain someone. If you enjoy watching a movie, it is a good movie. You aren't wrong if you like Fight Club more than American History X, or like Dogma more than Clerks. It is your opinion and trying to convince someone else what they should like is ridiculous. People can be entertained by movies that got killed critically, it happens all the time.

The point of poker is to win money. If you think cold calling 4bet shoves 100bbs deep with 23o is good, you are wrong. It's not a matter of opinion; it's fact. Anyone who wants to achieve the goal of poker, winning money, can't expect to do so in the long run if they make mathematically horrid decisions on a a regular basis.
They arent completely alike but Im talking about the whole "snob"(elitist imo better word for it) culture that devin is saying he dislikes, we do very similar things in terms of arguing over minutia and "X is def better than Y and your an idiot if you dont agree" type arguments. For example:

"shoving is terrible there, you're losing a ton of value with the stacks being so deep so std raise to 300 instead"

translates to

"New star wars movies are abs terrible, characters were mind numbingly boring among other problems, just stick to the og trilogy instead"
04-27-2008 , 11:08 PM
Anybody else having problems getting to pokerace home page?

It's been a while since I played - did they move or something?
04-27-2008 , 11:13 PM
yup, part of pokertracker now
04-27-2008 , 11:22 PM
Kleath, snobbery bothers me, being a hypocrite does not.
04-27-2008 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by lacky
yup, part of pokertracker now
Cool thx lacky
04-27-2008 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
Kleath, snobbery bothers me, being a hypocrite does not.
lol touche
04-28-2008 , 12:42 AM
FWIW I generally with Kleath in regards to Fight Club. In terms of snobbery it doesn't bother me when people dislike movies like American Gangster, but it does bother me when people can't like something like Rocky IV.

Edit: For those who watched the most recent top chef
Like how Lisa and Antonia somehow thought they were above braising sausage in beer that **** is delicious it doesn't need to be fine dining to be good food and the fact they correlate fine dining with good food makes them snobs

I think it is pretty useless to try to change people's opinions about a lot of things, but at the same time you can still look at the merits of flaws of a film in a reasonable discourse without attempting to change someone's personal taste.
