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Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet

08-12-2010 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by p3rc4
I admire OP's courage.
Discretion is the better part of valor.
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-01-2010 , 08:59 PM
I think Gomenlb wins one of these bets for sure. has anyone seen the monkeys that play these games? LOL

Zima, would you give me action too? Minimum of 5000 games in October...$6.50 Turbo 45 mans on Stars...for an 8% ROI. For $50.

Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-01-2010 , 09:05 PM
i wish i thought i could win 28/30 days a month. i dont have that kind of skillz. gl OP
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-01-2010 , 09:51 PM
you're the man cashgomer... kind of mad though glgl
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-01-2010 , 10:24 PM
Sad you won't take more action on this
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 04:05 AM
i wish i didn't think i could win 28/30 days a month. i dont have that kind of skillz. gl ME.

LOL slaughtered the first day, and connection/computer troubles too.

Must be nice to be Zima. Winning propbets and banging supermodels......
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 04:31 AM
gl op, youre really going to need it.
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by cashgomer
Furthermore, it is just $50s, well worth it to get me to play more, and I am going to use the profits to get psychiatric help to figure out why I need silly prop bets/contests to get me to grind.
imo go completely broke w/ no job and no family/friends taking you in, forced to work at mcdonalds just to survive. If that doesn't motivate you then /life
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by p3rc4
I admire OP's stupidity.
+1. 'Profit every day', the words of a certified man!
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:39 AM
This bet is clearly not winnable but you would have more chance if you stuck to the 3.25 45s. They are softer than the 6.50 45s and lower variance than the 180s.

Your still might have to put in a 500 game day.
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 10:57 AM
lost on day 1?
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by gamboneee
lost on day 1?
Yes that is correct. I am a loser.
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-02-2010 , 10:21 PM
omfg... sorry to hear, man...
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-10-2010 , 03:07 AM
Is there a glitch in the software or has Gomenlb reeled off 8 consecutive winning days? Must be a glitch because nobody can win 8 outta 9 days grinding 100 games a day. Oh wait, it must be possible since even I've won 10 outta the last 11 days!'s official, I've jinxed both of us now for Friday!
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-11-2010 , 09:05 PM
Meh not sure if I should even post this, as I am sure I will have a massive failure soon, as I have not been starting my days until after 1 pm and that is sure to lead to problems at some point. Also who cares??

I decided today that if i am going to bed around dawn, that I should play before I sleep, and get the 100 in with profit if possible. The games go off kinda slow, but have always seem softer. Today ran well doing so anyways, so will see how it goes.

Day 1 was beyond sick. I started late, ran bad, and computer crashed multiple times.

Since then I have reeled off 10 straight days. I only had to go past the 100 games on two days.

I am a little over 25% for the ROI bet. My ROIWC (ROI while connected) is a little over 38%. (throwing out the first day)

I self chat banned myself yesterday. Now when they tell me how terrible my calls of their atc shoves are, I just make a note that they likely do not call wide enough. (though this will prolly bite me in the ass, if they are now spitecalling me)

Previously I would have timed out on 34 tables while I chirped at them. I am such a ******. I have heard if you don't have donks (and regtards) telling you that you play bad, you are doing something wrong.

Thanks to the well wishers, and good luck also to those waiting for me to fail.

Last edited by cashgomer; 09-11-2010 at 09:13 PM.
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 02:52 AM
u da man
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
u da man
no, u da man
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by cashgomer
no, u da man
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 04:19 AM
I rly think this is possible if you put in solid volume each day
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
I rly think this is possible if you put in solid volume each day
LOL @ solid volume. I made this bet to motivate me to grind, but the goal of the bet is to make $1 so I can quit for the day.

How ******ed is that??

Damn right I won $19.41 today. Ima gonna go to Disneyland!!

Someone really ought to kill me, I am too pitiful to live.
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by PIK4CHU
In addition, unless you are lucky, you will have a couple of 16 hour days trying to recover from a 100bi loss to start your day...
no, u'll have it if u lucky, if u not - this would be ur month
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 09:43 AM
all i know is i do not enjoy having you at my 3/45 tables. that is all
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 11:07 AM
What a hero! Gogogogo
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 11:09 AM
did i win yet...?
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
09-12-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
did i win yet...?
Lol not quite.

Stay tuned tho....
Gomer's "I don't believe in variance" September prop bet Quote
