Getting Stupid good odds to showdown
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 202
So recently in some late game of some of the 180s, 45s, I have made a basic bet with a hand like Ax suited, UTG, 2x blinds, normally with like 6-7 people at the table. Well 2 or 3 all shove, and it is another 3bb and I have another 20 still. Am I betting the pure odds to call here or am I just throwing chips to the masses like a leaky donk? Flame away.
Thank you
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 2,124
uhh, if it's another 3bbs it's probably a call. please post specific situations for better advice.
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 202
Its just a general situation, i have that exact thing go through my head, uhhhhh, fml, I don't want to call, but I'm getting 7-1 to call. I feel that it is too good to pass up even though I'm probably a mile behind.
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 547
Posting a specific hand history will help a lot
But in general:
-Don't raise Ax sooted from UTG or any other EP with 20bbs hand in a full ring game... Unless that x is fairly high, at least a T, preferably a J or better... It is not profitable
-Do not raise when there are numerous people behind you who are very likely to shove when you have a hand that does not want to get it all in pre
-When you are in this situation for some reason, for just 3BB more, with several times that much already in the pot and no postflop to be concerned about, it is correct to call
Generally you want to AVOID this situation, where you get shoved on and have great odds to call but with a marginal hand that's usually behind. What to do in this spot is fairly straightforward, it's usually a call, but you should be changing your range based on your perceived likelihood of the people behind you to shove, and whether you are happy to get it in vs them with your hand, so you can avoid this decision to begin with, as once you're in the spot you really have a choice between one unprofitable decision and one less unprofitable (but still not profitable) decision