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General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks

09-23-2013 , 05:13 AM
After playing the FT bubble yesterday against 2 hyper aggressive regs in an 80$ freezeout I've begun to wonder exactly how to react to this as an average stacked fellah.

2 tables left, FR.
2 bigstacks 2 and 3 spots to my left, both with around 20% 3b.

How should I react to this? Do I start 4b shoving light, or is shutting down and waiting for premiums the best response?
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
09-23-2013 , 06:05 AM
Hero stack size: ~20bbs
V1: ~30-35bbs
V2: ~35-45bbs
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
09-23-2013 , 07:57 AM
just play tight, from all positions don't try to bully them. you don't have lots of FE when they 3b, so when you open, your plan should be to get te chips in (they prolly are not that light in FR)

if you wana steal (ie r/f), do it from EP with blockers

I would fold lots of small pairs from EP (22-77), and open ship some broadways + pairs and good aces (A9+) from MP-LP

But mostly play the resteal game, they should be opening lots of LPs to your blinds, reshove any pair, any ace, any broadway, suited connectors etc...

just flat their open if you gelt dealt KK+ especially if people squezze a lot after you
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
09-23-2013 , 08:21 AM
20BB isn't small, 40BB isn't big, hurt them and their light 3b ways. great 4bjam size in the right spot.
some patience is fine ^^
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:18 AM
Yeh, if they are playing like that, don't 3b/f much if at all. Tighten your raising range and loosen your 4b range against them. If someone else 3bs you, then you may have to fold hands you were planning to shove at the big stacks. If they are opening loose, then 3b shove on them somewhat looser. But I would play reasonably solid; no need to rush.
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:33 AM
if some aggro peeps are abusing you in position,then tighten up your range,and start taking it to the streets and 4bet getting it in...
your 3bet range should also be stuff you can 5b ramjam in there faces..
those the dynamic needs to be there young ninja
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
09-24-2013 , 10:49 AM
Depends of your image really. I just widen my 4 bet and tighten my opening a little. Usually worst way to go is tightening up as 13% VPIP player or shoving many of the hands that can bet - call or bet - 4 bet well from late position.

Also against wide ranges + wide 4-bets strategy flatting is better than 3-betting with many playable hands.
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
09-24-2013 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by raven byrne
your 3bet range should also be stuff you can 5b ramjam in there faces..
With the small bets now, is 20xBB enough to 5b with? If they 4b and don't put you allin, it seems like basically they are shoving. I would think, if you 3b, it is more or less 3b/call, 3b/fold, or just 3b shove. Generally, 3b/fold is possible against loose openers, but these guys seem to be in bully mode, so I wouldn't try it now. I think it is OK to just 3b shove some hands, depending on how they are playing.
General reaction to very light 3b/4b from bigstacks Quote
