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full house facing 2 psb donkshove on river full house facing 2 psb donkshove on river

01-30-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Strife
I'm still confused on why OP would think checking flop in position, not raising turn in position, and actually considering folding the river as an option.
well this all started because i was arguing with my buddy about whether this tarp was any good or not.

he thought it was, and expected to get paid off by tons of worse hands.

i thought it was terrible because it turned his hand face up.

given stacks and dynamic villain should normally b/c the top of his range and c/c the bottom of his range on the river, ya? shoving probably only gets called by boats and Q, and folds out smaller flushes, the straight and Kx, and doesn't give hero a chance to bluff, so it normally loses a ton of value.

but villain's line looks equally tarpy on the turn, and then he does come out with a shove on the river. i don't see him doing that as a bluff, and if it's for value, he has to put hero on a pretty narrow range of hands that are strong enough to call.

lol tarpaments? i mean, ya ok, it's probably unpossible to fold a boat here in real time but i think if hero bets earlier in the hand it stops him from getting owned on the river.
full house facing 2 psb donkshove on river Quote
01-30-2011 , 04:47 PM
This thread tilts me to no end. OP not being hero and being villain instead, this being a totally ship spot if we actually have KJ, posting a ******ed spot that there's nothing to discuss. Just post what you had and see if people like 2x shoving river.
full house facing 2 psb donkshove on river Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:04 PM
So they where trapping each other and villain actually had nutz? Whatever it was, they both played the hand wrong imo, and its a call 1000% of the time. Id call this shove with 10 of spades btw.
full house facing 2 psb donkshove on river Quote
01-30-2011 , 06:06 PM
Any action but folding on the river seems good to me
full house facing 2 psb donkshove on river Quote
01-30-2011 , 07:00 PM
is this not a troll thread? folding a boat? beat by so few combos it's absurd
full house facing 2 psb donkshove on river Quote
