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frustrated and need advice frustrated and need advice

11-11-2008 , 05:00 PM
I've been tournamenting like crazy, but only have a bunch of min cashes. In the last week:

Finish/Field Size:


Here's the hand history for the one where I finished 98th:

I feel like most of my leaks occur in mid to late stages of the tourney...stuff like limping small pp's up front when effective stacks are small, I think. I've tried to incorporate some other "moves"; floating, restealing, semibluffing, 3betting light, etc. There's another replay I'll post later where I chip dump with my light 3bet and subsequent bluff shove.

If you guys could me some advice, I'd be grateful.
frustrated and need advice Quote
11-11-2008 , 05:02 PM
you keep putting yourself into position.. you will win
frustrated and need advice Quote
11-11-2008 , 05:03 PM
i would suggest to open pocket pairs
frustrated and need advice Quote
11-11-2008 , 05:09 PM
play more tournies...hard to win big field stuff...more you play more it will pay off...

post hhs...don't forget that it's okay to gambooool it up at the right time
frustrated and need advice Quote
11-11-2008 , 05:11 PM
The player is not working for me nor do I have the attention span to watch a replay history for a tourney with 2000+ runners, sry. Let me throw in some general things.

1) You list only 6 tourneys. With field sizes this big you can't expect to go deep in all of them!

2) You have to be willing to take chances early, late, and everywhere inbetween. Screw 72nd place. I want first or I want out early.

3) Post individual hand histories on which you aren't sure if you did things right. Lets attack one issue at a time!
frustrated and need advice Quote
11-11-2008 , 05:17 PM
angryjohnny - i've been posting a lot of hands, but Im still dissatisfied with my results. I realize that with large fields, it's inadverdant to get coolered sometimes. (the 98th finish, I ran my 88 into 77 preflop allin and 77 flopped a set). But I feel like im bleeding chips in some spots.
frustrated and need advice Quote
11-11-2008 , 05:36 PM
If your 88 got beat by 77 you made the correct play! It's tough to make FT's against huge fields because you have to dodge so many bad beats along the way. Maybe you should try smaller SNG's? That would give you a cance to plug some leaks while not having to dodge so many pitfalls along the road to first place.
frustrated and need advice Quote
