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Foxwoods 0 + Foxwoods 0 +

03-22-2008 , 08:16 AM
10K starting chips. about 90 entered, guessing about 80 left.
3rd Level. The blinds are 100/200/0. Nobody has been particularly bad.

I have an average stack of about 12K. I lost a hand early but have since slowly got it back. I'm in the cut off with 2 red Aces.

1 limper, I raise to $700 total, button calls, BB calls, Limper calls.
Pot = $2,900

Flop 235r

Checked to me and I bet $2,500. Button Folds. BB re-raises all-in. (he has me covered, just). Folds to me.

What range are you putting villain on here.
Foxwoods 0 + Quote
03-22-2008 , 08:40 AM
66+ its a call. bare aces even depending on the player.. sometimes a loos player wakes up with a bare A here donking it up. But generally 66+. Actually fair to say even 22+, scary i
~good luck dude~
Foxwoods 0 + Quote
03-22-2008 , 08:47 AM
It's totally read dependant. Is he any good? Has he pushed before? What's his image? I think his range is huge. He could have called for set value with any pair. A4 seems unlikely, but without a read, who knows? Possibly a big ace, trying to push you off. Would he play a set or a straight draw so fast? 65 isn't out of the question either. After thinking for an hour or two I'd say he's protecting a set and I'd most likely fold .... but then I'm a nit and usually see 99 here
Foxwoods 0 + Quote
03-22-2008 , 09:29 AM
read dependant but im not folding on that board to a BB CRAI unless Im sure he is tight enough to only make such a play with sets/str8s/2pair and knows that I would get married to my preimum pair.
Foxwoods 0 + Quote
03-22-2008 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by shutEMdown
read dependant but im not folding on that board to a BB CRAI unless Im sure he is tight enough to only make such a play with sets/str8s/2pair and knows that I would get married to my preimum pair.
i didn't really have a read. only 3rd level and I'm not a regular so don't know if he was or not. he wasn't really acknowledging anyone else. He hadn't (or at least i hadn't noticed) him in many pots. When he had been involved he played them quite agressive. This was my only recollection of him cold calling. I'd pegged him as reasonable and certainly put A4s and 64 in his range. I think he was aware that it was costing him $500 and the final limper left pre-flop was almost certain to call only.

I put him on any pair up to J's, Big Aces, maybe KQ, Axs and some random BB hands which connected i.e 54, 53s etc. I think he re-raises pre with QQ, KK or the other Aces. He could off course put me on a steal raise and planned to check raise me on the flop but I believe he was a good enough player to realize this is a risky move with 2 others in the pot.

Is this too wide?

My thinking after the flop is that there is enough money to take it down but should i get re-raised I will call altho I do expect to be behind a fair amount of the time. In a larger tournament or one with more play (rounds were 20 mins, sorry i forgot to mention that) I would not have bet so much on the flop to allow for a fold to be slightly easier (not automatic off course) but here altho i thought for a little it was never really a consideration after i had bet (almost) pot.
Foxwoods 0 + Quote
