Foxwoods $120 AA in weird turn spot
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 30
Played the Foxwoods $120 Daily 12:00pm on Wednesday 11/27 as I get ready to play a full series at the MEGASTACKS @ Foxwoods in a few weeks...and I haven't played many tournaments this year.
Hero is running/playing really well and ..I've chipped up to 28.5k from 10kss.
Hero raises AsAd 500 @100-200 25a folds to button who flats (good player who I'd like to avoid, he 3-bet me once already and I folded and he showed me AA), BB flats ( who I just stacked and he decided to re-enter in a new seat on my direct right.)
Flop: 652xss
BB cks I c-bet 1200 Button flats BB flats
Turn: 6s
BB cks I bet 2525 button 6k BB Folds....Whats our line!?!?
I've wanted to stay away from him since he sat down because I feel my edge on the field in these droolfests is very high and why get into any big pots with good players when I can easily pick on the soft spots... I have 24k back which will soon be 60 bbs as blinds are about to be 200-400 50ante.
Appreciate all Feeback and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 14
hi dude
I think you should fold, if he decided to turn his broadway or middle pair into a bluff it is going to take you a c/c on river to find out, and given his wide calling range pre and flat OTF, he has you beat more often than not
And you are 2 barreling into 2 players, quite a strong line and yet he is raising with a small sizing
If there are good spots to fold AA with stacks this deep, I think this is one of them
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 632
Pre and flop are fine.
Turn is close i think, but i think i prefer check calling here. Betting into two players in this spot is maybe a little strong, we expect to get called by decent pairs, not even sure if like 77/88 flat the turn here, but thats pretty much it that we beat. Crushed by sets, a few combos of 6's that both can have (56s/67s/68s) and turned flushes, which we obivously can outdraw. For me, check call turn/ check/evaluate river (probably folding most blanks)