Originally Posted by jcm4ccc
The situation: 45-man tournament, 7 players left (so you are now ITM). You are UTG with 9000 chips. Everyone has you (barely) covered. Blinds are 1200/600/75 (so your M is less than 4). You are dealt 99. Push or Fold?
I think that pushing is only break-even here. Your current equity is 13.83%. if you push, I calculate that you will steal the blinds about 58% of the time, and about 42% of the time you will get called. Assuming the top 10% of hands if you get called, you will win about 47% of the time when called. It breaks down to this:
Steal blinds: 58% of the time (equity: 15.47%)
Double up: 19.7% (equity: 19.53%)
Lose: 22.3% (equity: 4.5%)
Multiply it through, and your equity is 13.82%, which makes it marginal. Probably a push since the blinds are about to hit you. But barely.
God I hate it when people use M.
What you need to consider (which you did a little bit but not enough) is that after the blinds hit you, you lose over 20% of your stack. I would consider your equity to be not what it is now but what it is after the blinds hit you (aka -2000 chips)
Second you are considering everyone equal. Shorties may be calling you with A2-A8 <88 thinking you are stealing or thinking this is a good enough shot. The medium stacks (12000-16000) are going to tighten up because you are going to hurt their stack too much.
Just read that everyone has you barely covered. Push it, people may be tighter than top 10%.
I draw my line at 77/88+ AQo+, AJs+