I am generally a micro stakes player due to bankroll restrictions. I managed to run up the satellite ladder to take my $1.50 starting entry and win a seat in the $60k $109 buy in on BetOnline. This hand happens after the money bubble has burst. I do not us a HUD and one of the villains has just been moved to this table. Am I supposed to do anything other than fold? I ended up running my QQ into KT and losing but cashing for $239. GG
320 ante, 1,600/3,200 blinds
69,460 Sb - Hero AQo
185,664 BB
62,396 Villain 1
52,560 Villain 2
116,284 Button
V1 Bets 6,740 JJ
V2 Shoves 52,560 A10o
Hero folds.
V1 Calls
AKQ flop