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Is this fold to tight? Is this fold to tight?

03-10-2019 , 10:46 PM
I am generally a micro stakes player due to bankroll restrictions. I managed to run up the satellite ladder to take my $1.50 starting entry and win a seat in the $60k $109 buy in on BetOnline. This hand happens after the money bubble has burst. I do not us a HUD and one of the villains has just been moved to this table. Am I supposed to do anything other than fold? I ended up running my QQ into KT and losing but cashing for $239. GG

320 ante, 1,600/3,200 blinds
69,460 Sb - Hero AQo
185,664 BB
62,396 Villain 1
52,560 Villain 2
116,284 Button

V1 Bets 6,740 JJ
V2 Shoves 52,560 A10o
Hero folds.
V1 Calls
AKQ flop
Is this fold to tight? Quote
03-11-2019 , 12:57 AM
I feel you are ahead of v2’s shove so it’s close but I’m leaning call here even though it’s kinda hard to say without reads on Villians. How loose is v1 opening? I would leave players hands out of the post to not skew opinions but I feel this prolly is a call with such shallow stacks. Meh we make money by building stacks in mtts. Here you are most likely flipping so I feel nothing wrong with gii and shallow stacks. Maybe not ideal but aq is solid hand to go to war with late in mtts.

I’m hand, v2 should be 3B shoving a little light with his stack size to stay a float (pocket pairs/ kq type hands) so feel it’s a call.

On a final note, I wouldn’t look at the flop akq as something you should question yourself on. I would look first at whether it’s a correct call or fold pre. You shouldn’t be mad at results that can’t be predicted and the fact online, with rng if you call the flop is different than what is shown anyways. Be more focused on the right play and not what happened.
Is this fold to tight? Quote
03-11-2019 , 03:25 AM
These guys are getting it all in with AT and KT? Is it normal on this site for these sorts of hands to shove and call shoves? If so then the AQ is a call, especially with 20bb.

Last edited by wynner88888; 03-11-2019 at 03:33 AM.
Is this fold to tight? Quote
03-12-2019 , 02:05 PM
Ty for your insight. I appreciate it greatly.
Is this fold to tight? Quote
