Was this fold of AA preflop correct?
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Not long ago I was in one of those rare situations where folding AA seemed like a good idea. It was a satellite, with 54 players getting a seat in a tourney. We were down to 58, with 4 being very short stacked. I was in about 30th position, and had enough chips to be comfortable.
I got AA UTG+1, and had 2 much larger stacks behind me, - one was the BB and one had just a few hands earlier called an all-in with crap and eliminated someone.
So I figured I was very close to 100% to win if I folded. If I shoved and it was folded I'd be almost certain. If I shoved and was called by a short stack and won, obviously I'd be almost certain. But if I shoved and was beaten by a big stack, I was done. The probability of one of them calling was low, and the probability of them beating me was also low.
I ended up folding (first time ever folding AA preflop) and winning the seat - but I didn't have that comfortable of a stack at the end.
I'm sure this is a situation where I would fold to a shove by a big stack. I'm pretty sure if I had another couple thousand chips it would have been an even easier fold - because I'd have been almost guaranteed. And if I had an uncomfortably low stack I'd definitely shove.
Not sure I'll be in that situation again - but wonder if any experts out there have an opinion.
Join Date: Feb 2009
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I'm not a satellite expert, so you can take this for what it's worth.
Given your description of your stack size and the tournament situation, yes, this would seem like that very rare situation where folding AA pre is in fact correct.
If people had been busting at a normal clip this would make it easier.
It would be closer, as you described, if your stack was less comfortable.
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 573
I'm not going to go so far as to call myself an expert, but a friend of mine who is much more of an expert has advised me to fold AA in a VERY similar situation to what you described.
Things to consider are that obviously the closer you are to the bubble (if it was say 56 people) the easier the fold becomes. Even with 4 people left I feel like you have pretty much a no brainer - ESPECIALLY since you are posting this on SSMTT. Meaning that, probably the only time you'd have to be concerned with the short stacks playing awesome satellite start on the bubble is in a higher buy-in satellite - but usually with 54 players getting seats the field is big enough even at high buy-ins that you get people messing up ICM-wise.
I don't know the exact stack sizes in this situation, but your goal is basically to fold into the money at this point, which you succeeded in doing. Obv, if you got super short and were one of the people at risk of blinding out, you would go with a hand (AA again would be nice).
Sounds like WP, sir.
Join Date: Dec 2008
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In a normal tournament where position matters, Id shove or raise. In your case its a fold yes.
Join Date: Jun 2008
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There are many important things to this decision, and how you make it. Blind sizes, time 'til next level increase, average stack, how many short stacks there are (<5 BB), what is happening on other tables (This is a hand for hand thing), and your stack size & position (Both table and tournament-wise) all factor into what is an optimal play in a super bubble situation like this in a satellite. Given that you have a median and likely a little below average stack with only 4 more players to be eliminated, I think folding is the optimal play.
Now, as for how you make your fold. If you have the space, you should have the other tables open, especially if you're playing hand for hand. If you're not hand for hand, stall as much as you can without possible damage to yourself (If you are UTG and blinds will increase real soon, fold quickly obviously.) so as to maximize the other hands going on at other tables and the amount of people being eliminated during your one hand. If you are hand for hand, watch the other tables as you stall soyou can see if certain players are all in & at risk. The more people at risk or close to being at risk, the more often you should fold any two cards. That's about it for now, ask me if you need any clarifications or if you have questions.
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Originally Posted by Lohoo
In a normal tournament where position matters, Id shove or raise. In your case its a fold yes.
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 227
You should be on autofold, the only thing that might make a difference is if you are really shorter stacked in comparison to bubble in other words you might be 40th once blinds run through everyone, even then it would be really hard to see anything but a FOLD here. Too many shortstacks are going to have to win too many all ins for you not to coast ITM
Join Date: Jun 2010
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your stack would help. depending on how big the field and how much the seat was worth in relation to buyin would change the answer imo
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 38
just type in chat "I have AA, I will show" and push