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first shot at 2$ 180s... first shot at 2$ 180s...

08-15-2010 , 09:01 PM
hey guys i have been playing micro cash for about a year...doing well, taken shots higher stakes, lost, rebuild etc. decided i wanted to try to mix it up a little cuz getting burnt out, so giving micro 180s a shot. i have a pretty small sample so far, but i am getting crushed. it seems literally every time i get it in, i lose. aq<a7, at<a9, kq< kj every timeeee. here is my EV graph. is this standard? should i quit throwing money away in these or play it through until variance swings my way? thanks btw i have only played 40
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-15-2010 , 09:05 PM
As long as you get it in good every time, you'll win. Just variance being a bitch, thats all.

Look at the bright side, you're swimming in sklansky$ now.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-15-2010 , 09:08 PM
variance hits you hard bro ;D..
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-15-2010 , 09:28 PM
haha ya tell me about it. any advice from some 180 players?
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-15-2010 , 11:02 PM
I play 90mtt. I just try avoid the coinflip situtations. Sometimes you can't help that a hand you have dominated comes from behind.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-15-2010 , 11:07 PM
get it in good you will see results
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-15-2010 , 11:23 PM
I started grinding this a little bit recently and went on a 35 or so game downswing at first before I turned it around so I wouldn't worry if you've only payed 40 games.

As for strategy, TAG at first then push fold when the blinds get up there. If you don't know proper pushing and calling ranges then that would be a good thing to study before you play too many more. Other than that post hands you aren't sure about and read the thread in here dedicated to SNG strat...theres a lot of 2/180 hands in there to look at. GL and see you at the tables

Edited to add: Here's the link to the 18 to 180 man SNG thread. Read through it and post hands you aren't sure about...

Last edited by Treadwell; 08-15-2010 at 11:25 PM. Reason: link
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-15-2010 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Treadwell
I started grinding this a little bit recently and went on a 35 or so game downswing at first before I turned it around so I wouldn't worry if you've only payed 40 games.

As for strategy, TAG at first then push fold when the blinds get up there. If you don't know proper pushing and calling ranges then that would be a good thing to study before you play too many more. Other than that post hands you aren't sure about and read the thread in here dedicated to SNG strat...theres a lot of 2/180 hands in there to look at. GL and see you at the tables

Edited to add: Here's the link to the 18 to 180 man SNG thread. Read through it and post hands you aren't sure about...
+1 to this, its just a high varience game, so take a look back after about 200 games and see how ur liking it, i have noticed around the bubble you can beat them up since they are really nits about makin cashes, that's in my expeirence tho, just play solid and get it in good and u'll be fine
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 01:17 AM
looks like you're getting rockT!

first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 02:16 AM
Your graph will always look like this for T$ unless you actually win one... You know because you loose it all when you get knocked out. :P
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 03:28 AM
looks like my graph althou you are missing two zeros.

run better and 30k + in adjusted EV in 1500 hands could be better as well. you def seem to have some leaks here as well.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 03:32 AM
get it in bad more during end game
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by NsyncLovr
get it in bad more during end game
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by unomaas
I play 90mtt. I just try avoid the coinflip situtations. Sometimes you can't help that a hand you have dominated comes from behind.
Erm, pretty sure we can't avoid coinflips in MTT SNGs if we want to win them. What about all the dead money in the pot from blinds and antes? Surely that makes the flips worth taking.

OP, 1500 hands is only, what, three dozen tourneys maximum?

Your biggest problem here is that your sample size is so small it's pretty much meaningless. Getting knocked out of about 30 or 40 tourneys in a row in a procession of bad beats and coolers is simply the start of a typical day for me. My biggest downswing is about 115 BIs and I'd be pretty confident that my ROI is above average. There are many players better than me, and I'll bet that some of them have suffered much worse swongs.


Last edited by TeamTrousers; 08-16-2010 at 04:11 PM. Reason: Edit, just realised you said it's 40 tourneys, so yeah, meaningless sample size and all that jazz
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 04:21 PM
the key to 180s imho is being able to call off/iso someone else's shove when you believe you are ahead late in the tourney and double up

the closer you are to the bullseye on the individual player's shove range and after taking into account any players yet to act for your decision to reshove or call off, the more money you will make obv

that means knowing that your A2 is ahead in the sb when a good player shoves say 7bb from the cutoff and you reshoving with a tight player in the bb knowing that you aren't far ahead but probably ahead given the A card removal and the good player's shoving range
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 04:55 PM
just keep grinding, let see what a large sample says and good luck!
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:08 PM
Are thesethe $2 180s on tilt or stars? The stars turbos include annassload of variance. Take +EV spots everywhere you find them and don't be surprised with 100 BI downswings. Shipping one game makes all the difference and gets you break-even after a 50 BI downswing.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:38 PM
My advice would be to relate everything you do in these to stacksizes. I would also recomened playing very tight untill atleast 25/50 blinds.

they play pretty simple just got to look for the light shoves, and be prepared to call light in certain situations
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:17 PM
is this a level? if you are still down after playing like 150 or so then you may have some holes. $2 180mans are pretty easy but huge variance. good luck.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Champalamp
is this a level? if you are still down after playing like 150 or so then you may have some holes. $2 180mans are pretty easy but huge variance. good luck.
While it is probable that a new player to these does indeed have leaks in their game (as do many regs, whether or not any admit it), 150 games without profit is not conclusively indicative of anything other than that it's no profit in 150 games.

Even the very best reg in the game will have had many stretches of 150+ games where they broke even or lost money.

As you say yourself, there is huge variance, so why did you make such a statement about a 150 game sample? Because of the large variance you cannot draw conclusions from such a minuscule sample size.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by jayfil23
btw i have only played 40
40 games is nothing sometimes you just get slapped by variance as everyone has said. It is super standard. I wouldn't worry about it. Again just be sure you understand shoving/calling ranges and if you get it in ahead more often than not, you will see results.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by NsyncLovr
get it in bad more during end game
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
While it is probable that a new player to these does indeed have leaks in their game (as do many regs, whether or not any admit it), 150 games without profit is not conclusively indicative of anything other than that it's no profit in 150 games.

Even the very best reg in the game will have had many stretches of 150+ games where they broke even or lost money.

As you say yourself, there is huge variance, so why did you make such a statement about a 150 game sample? Because of the large variance you cannot draw conclusions from such a minuscule sample size.
yeah 150 is still a small sample. what i mean is just re evaluate his strategy for them if he hasnt seen any sort of results (not necessarily in the green, but a few final tables)
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-16-2010 , 11:57 PM
Don't give up, things will turn around!
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
08-17-2010 , 01:57 AM
my advice isn't a level btw, there are spots where you should be getting it in with any 2 cards. sometimes you just hit the top of people's range and are off to the races. play enough volume, and you'll hit the triple crown.
first shot at 2$ 180s... Quote
