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Final Table of Stars Daily 80k, QQ deep facing WTF 3bet line/sanity check Final Table of Stars Daily 80k, QQ deep facing WTF 3bet line/sanity check

02-02-2010 , 06:53 PM
I think opponents hand is pretty immaterial and he [probably unconsciously] made a pretty sick ICM play. His bet sizing screams donk but it also puts you in a bad spot since I don't think you are getting many folds. I mean, I expect him to have AK here a LOT of the time and he is never folding that, and given the stacks at the table I am not ready to throw down on a flip. Not sure I WOULD fold in the heat of the moment but I do think there is a good rationale for it. A better player would 3bet lighter than JJ+, AK here, making the decision closer to a shove.
Final Table of Stars Daily 80k, QQ deep facing WTF 3bet line/sanity check Quote
02-02-2010 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Town Knave

Epilogue: Villain has KK, I die. I can't decide if his play was awful or brilliant. Why does he want to fold out most of my opening range and win a middling pot when he could likely play a reraised pot in position? Was he that terrified of an ace, or of me hitting a set or something? With his 3bet I probably fold JJ, get it in with QQ+, and probably fold AK and maybe talk myself into flatting whereupon I'm pretty safe vs. his range if I hit (assuming he doesn't have AA we rarely get it in bad when we hit because we rarely hit a K when he has KK). Basically he made a play that would only work with one hand in his range, which was dependent on me having the one hand I couldn't fold that he beats, and all I can do is bemoan the fact that this hand happened now and not 15 minutes later when I'd have been a few K richer... Sigh.
I think you have answered your own question really. Like I still think the ship is fine but this is a massive donkament who's $55 cost belies a structure that gets rubbish before it gets better and attracts the same standard of donk as lower buyin mtt's because the payouts look decent at the FT and it's the largest guarantee in it's class.

I think the ship is fine but I suggested that discounting the top of someones range may be a mistake because a player on the verge of their biggest payday want not to get sucked out on or outplayed
Final Table of Stars Daily 80k, QQ deep facing WTF 3bet line/sanity check Quote
