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fifty50, qq on the bubble fifty50, qq on the bubble

01-28-2011 , 01:36 PM
Poker Stars $5.00+$0.24 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds + t50 - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

BTN: t1053 M = 1.17
Hero (SB): t1167 M = 1.30
BB: t8745 M = 9.72
UTG: t590 M = 0.66
MP: t1915 M = 2.13
CO: t1530 M = 1.70

Pre Flop: (t900) Hero is SB with Q Q
1 fold, MP raises to t1865 all in, 2 folds, Hero?

big stack wasn't calling raises, although he was pwning a little. he had put the little stack all in with junk already, so no worries about a walk. villain was playing about one hand a rotation. who plays here and who hopes for an elimination?
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
01-28-2011 , 01:47 PM
Well this is a fold KK spot in a normal DoN but I fail to see how you can't call here. There is one huge stack winning all the money so what's the point in just getting your money back when you need to get chips to win something worth winning? This is the type of thing I mean that is puzzling with these games. What are we supposed to do here, aim to not bubble or go for some money?
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
01-28-2011 , 01:47 PM
I always call this one. The blinds are big, and he is pushing any pair, Ax combo and any broadway.
If u double up, u can start challening the BIGSTACK for the win.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
01-28-2011 , 01:49 PM
Pokerstove will be of no value whatsoever.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
01-28-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by penfold
Well this is a fold KK spot in a normal DoN but I fail to see how you can't call here. There is one huge stack winning all the money so what's the point in just getting your money back when you need to get chips to win something worth winning? This is the type of thing I mean that is puzzling with these games. What are we supposed to do here, aim to not bubble or go for some money?
1. I think it is a call. None of the others are short enough imo to justify a fold, and on top of that, he's really only needing to dodge the BB, who is probably in shut down mode. His range easily has a bunch of low pocket pairs, AJ AQ, etc. to allow for a call.

2. re: bolded part. Not really true. Look at anyone's average profit per stt... It isn't sexy to sneak in the $ at a 50/50, but it's still by far #1 priority.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
01-28-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by POKEROMGLOL
None of the others are short enough imo to justify a fold
It doens't get any shorter than utg about to be engulfed by the bb next hand?

Originally Posted by POKEROMGLOL
It isn't sexy to sneak in the $ at a 50/50, but it's still by far #1 priority.
Where is the theory to back this up? It's definitely the case for DoN's because everyone wins the same amount no matter how many chips you have. This is a completely different game altogether. Sneaking itm isn't the priorty at all, having the most chips possible is. So there is a compromise needed and I've no clue how ICM would figure this out. Maybe I'm being dumb...
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-26-2011 , 09:59 PM
Plugging this into the Wiz with a 60,10,10,10,10 structure(this is ICM eq to the 50/50 format) this is a very easy call with QQ. Plus EV to call with range of 99+,AQs+,AK.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-26-2011 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by iluvsheesh
Plugging this into the Wiz with a 60,10,10,10,10 structure(this is ICM eq to the 50/50 format) this is a very easy call with QQ. Plus EV to call with range of 99+,AQs+,AK.
That's a bit too wide. You're giving Villain way too wide of a range in this spot with the shorty about to be all-in next hand.

JJ+ type of spot or TT+,AKs vs these maniac regs I see so far in these games.

Our equity gain is massive in this spot when we win, so we can go wider in Fifty50s in these types of spots.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 12:11 AM
True, ICM can't account for "shorty' being virtually all-in next hand. On the other hand,
villain's range would tend to be widened by two nother nonquantifiable effects:
1)read that there was unusual reluctance of bigstack to call shoves
2)"shorty" being all-in is not as hopeless for him as in a DON since the likelihood of
a multiplayer cooperation play is greatly reduced

Overall, disregarding allf the above, Nash eq says villans range should be about 23%.
For our heros calling range to be as tight as even TT+,AK villain would have to be much tighter than Nash or about 17.5%
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 12:38 AM
Nash is really silly to consider most of the time, but especially here based on read & stack setups.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 01:02 AM
folding seems silly, flat
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by TruFloridaGator
Nash is really silly to consider most of the time, but especially here based on read & stack setups.
I hate to belabor this but please could you educate me as to:

1)Why Nash is "really silly" to consider most of the time
2)Do you have a better alternative other just "know everyones ranges"
in every possible spot

I mean no disrespect , I'm just trying to both contribute and learn from this forum
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by iluvsheesh
1)Why Nash is "really silly" to consider most of the time
1) Low limit players are rarely playing anything like NE themselves.
2) It uses the ICM function to evaluate future equity (with all it's flaws) and it's especially wrong in spots like this where the movement of the blinds in future hands is very significant.

fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 04:00 PM
OK Juk, I see what you are saying for this specific hand. My question is, in a more general sense, lets say we have the same hand and stacks but the buyin was $104.32 and the blinds/antes were lets say 50/100/10 what would your opinion on the applicability of NE be now?
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 05:33 PM
id find it hard to fold tbh,but i found at this level that alot of players shove preflop with aces or kings (with a big stack) even without a raise behind them,i think they try and make it look as if there trying to be the bully or something so ppl with a decent had wil call, its hard to explain,call and if he turns over aces or kings then jus take a note of his play
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by iluvsheesh
OK Juk, I see what you are saying for this specific hand. My question is, in a more general sense, lets say we have the same hand and stacks but the buyin was $104.32 and the blinds/antes were lets say 50/100/10 what would your opinion on the applicability of NE be now?
With skilled players and no very short players (in terms of BBs) then yes the NE ranges will be very close to correct, but with a "new" game type it's unlikely all players will be that skilled yet.

fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-27-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by iluvsheesh
I hate to belabor this but please could you educate me as to:

1)Why Nash is "really silly" to consider most of the time
2)Do you have a better alternative other just "know everyones ranges"
in every possible spot

I mean no disrespect , I'm just trying to both contribute and learn from this forum
Other than what Juk said, we can estimate a range based on HUD(number of diff stats), over a big sample we can use the HEM VPIP/PFR per BB chart, we can look at how they have been playing recently, what kind of stacks they're shoving through, how deep their stack is, and other factors. We won't ever be perfect, but we can narrow them down enough(and usually on the tighter/safe side) to call correct as often as possible.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:33 AM
doesnt matter so much since the sng wiz seems to have 50/50s now, and i dont even play them lol but just curious can anyone confirm the icm equivelant to be 60/10/10/10/10?
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
02-28-2011 , 02:47 AM
^ yup, saw juk and some1 else discussing that
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
05-02-2011 , 01:06 PM
Good hand but I do not want to be eliminated. The shortstack is desperate. The bigstack can be loose. I fold.
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
05-02-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by TomoDaK
folding seems silly, flat
This ainec
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
05-03-2011 , 12:36 PM
I can be wrong.

Anyway, AINEC is "And It's Not Even Close".
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
05-03-2011 , 08:03 PM
fifty50, qq on the bubble Quote
