Originally Posted by codliveroil
i am sleepy dont remember like exact bet and stack sizes but you can understand the story.
1) sat to 5k tournament
17 people get ticket 18th gets 1700 cash. 20 people left.
avg is like 16 bb.
there is a like 1.5 2 bb stack in another table and 2 like 2 bb stack in another one.
i have like 11 bbs an i posted sb. cutoff shoves his 3.95 stack button folds. cutoff casual player. big blind behind me has like 10 bbs. i have a4o. what do you do?
2) later there was a situation i had like 3.5 bbs and i am big blind
we were 19 players sb had like 9 bbs. in the other table i think there were still 2 people who both had like less than 2.5 bbs. i had j9o of course i would fold if sb shoved but what should be my calling range in that spot. in the game sb folded.
3) luckboxing through the sat i play 5k. my image is like weak tight
hijack opens cutoff calls i have 2 red kings at button i squeeze. my first 3bet at the table big blind flats, hijack calls cutoff folds. flop 567 all clubs.
a) checked to me what do you do?
i check back turn comes j of heart. sb bets like 30p pot hijack calls
b) what do you do here?
4) playing 2.2 k event like 30 people before bubble. have like 250k chips. villain spewy like 150k, i doubled up from him earlier in a pot where i called like 2.4x pot river shove with top pair bad kicker and held. he opens hijack i 3bet KK from button. sb sbb fold he flats. flop comes t94 rainbow. he checks i bet like 40 percent pot he flats.
turn 7 rainbow still he checks i check back. river 7 he shoves like 1.8 time pot what do you do?
5)villain at 4 open button, sb greek regular flats have 77 call. flop comes a63 6 3 heart a diamond my 77 has no heart. sb check i check button bets sb folds i call. turn comes king spade. i check he bets slightly more than flop bet i call. river comes 5 off. i check he shoves like 1.8 pot he covers me. what do you do here?
some more info villain at 4 and 5 was playing too many hands and betting and betting, earlier i played also a hand with him where he bet into 2 players with air, gets called by both and bets again only to instafold when raised.
1. EZ Fold. Losing to BB would be a disaster, and you're behind a super wide, say, 40% shoving range
2. Still calling pretty tight, you have another orbit or two in you. Maybe like 77/66+, A8s+, ATo+, KTs+, QJs, KQo.
3. Need way more info like stack sizes and pot sizes but seems like an EZ call and see a river. Check back flop.
4. I have no idea bc I don't think I ever let V off the hook OTT by checking back KK. You probably wanna be b/f unless your "spewy" villain (btw "spewy" doesn't mean anything on it's own. Spewy how? Hero calls too much, too aggro, etc?) is the too aggro type and is x/r total air or overvaluing/overbluffing with hands like pair+SD. Prob call if you've seen him make these overshoves routinely.
5. Fold! You're asking if you should call a ~2x pot overbet triple barrel shove with {77} on [A63][K][5]? Against a guy who just got snapped off by you with a pair and no kicker for the same size shove just a few hands earlier? No offense, is this a real question? Fold turn, possibly even just x/f flop. If V scooped the pot and showed a bluff don't sweat it.