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Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop

01-13-2008 , 01:38 AM
My first ever post so please go easy on me if I do something wrong!

I'm interested in opinions on what I should have done in my position outlined below.

I'm playing in a live (land based casino) AU$1,050+AU$50 entry multi-table satellite to a AU$10,000+AU$500 main event.

180 people in the satellite - top 18 get a seat in the main event (worth AU$10,500), bottom 162 get nothing.

Starting stack t4,000. 30 minute levels, 1st level blinds were 25/50, 2nd level 50/100, 3rd level 100/200, 4th level 150/300.

It is the last hand of the 3rd level, so the blinds are 100/200 but next hand they are going to 150/300. There are about 150 left in the satellite (average stack t4,800).

My stack is t2,525 (things have not been going well). I am in UTG+1 with A5 suited.

Pre-flop action:

UTG limps
I limp (secondary question: what do you you think of my limp there?)
then two late position limpers - so far there are four limpers in the pot (including me)
SB raises to t700
BB folds
UTG folds

Up to me now...what to do?
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-13-2008 , 01:56 AM
open fold this hand in utg+1. limping is horrible, and it is too early to raise with this hand.

fold to raise in sb. you're playing the hand oop, and you have no idea where you're at in the hand. you could be dominated and really you're only hoping to flop trip 5s or a flush draw in this spot.
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-13-2008 , 04:44 AM
open fold. very weak holding early pos.
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-13-2008 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by TPTK77
open fold this hand in utg+1. limping is horrible, and it is too early to raise with this hand.

fold to raise in sb. you're playing the hand oop, and you have no idea where you're at in the hand. you could be dominated and really you're only hoping to flop trip 5s or a flush draw in this spot.
When you say "too early", do you mean too early in terms of the desperateness of my situation? With t150/t300 blinds and a stack of t2,525 my M is only 5.6 which is getting pretty short. In three hands (assuming I fold them) my M will be 4.6.

How low do people think my M would have to be to shove here? Or am I just totally out of line with A5s in UTG+1 no matter how low my M is?
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-13-2008 , 09:15 AM
A5 suited or not is too weak EP at full table. Fold pf or push to try steal blinds. The situation is not desperate enough for a push so fold is best.
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-13-2008 , 12:11 PM
In Full Tilt's strategy book A5s is Andy Bloch's favorite hand... he raises it from EP too. It can be a very playable hand and it sticks into the heads of the rest of the table that you are capable of raising a "trash" hand from EP. But surely you'd have to know when to get away from it if called, which is easier said than done, and you'd have to be in the green M-Zone to even think about it.
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-13-2008 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Just a beginner
I'm playing in a live (land based casino)
Open fold, especially with your stack size, and def fold to a raise
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-13-2008 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Just a beginner
When you say "too early", do you mean too early in terms of the desperateness of my situation? With t150/t300 blinds and a stack of t2,525 my M is only 5.6 which is getting pretty short. In three hands (assuming I fold them) my M will be 4.6.

How low do people think my M would have to be to shove here? Or am I just totally out of line with A5s in UTG+1 no matter how low my M is?

When i'm saying too early i mean too early position. In UTG+1, you do not want to be playing A5s. It is likely going to be dominated or not in good shape vs a pair.
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-21-2008 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by timmay28
In Full Tilt's strategy book A5s is Andy Bloch's favorite hand... he raises it from EP too. It can be a very playable hand and it sticks into the heads of the rest of the table that you are capable of raising a "trash" hand from EP. But surely you'd have to know when to get away from it if called, which is easier said than done, and you'd have to be in the green M-Zone to even think about it.
1. What is the green M Zone?
2. "to even think about it" - what is "it"? (a) getting away from the hand if called or (b) playing it in the first place?

Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-21-2008 , 09:56 PM
I think M is the ratio of the blinds and antes to your stack. The green M zone is when your M is above 20. I think he is saying that you have to very deep stacked to justify that loose play. You could probably justify pushing A5o if you were in the M red zone (m less than 5) so not to get blinded out but even then I don't know. Generally, I think you only want to call hand if you are getting very good odds or implied odds and in position. You usually want to go in with a raise, this of course means you have to fold the weaker hands. Anyways I don't know much about tournament play but you should read harrington on holdem if you are interested in it.
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
01-26-2008 , 12:53 AM
Thanks for the replies and thoughts guys.
Fairly shortstacked A5s facing a raise preflop Quote
