Is it possible to table select at the 119s and still get in volume?
they don't seem to be running very often imo
I am not super vigilant about it except at six max, but if I see a game where 3-4 winning players are the first ones regged I will either go find a better $60 or just wait a while and things usually clear up. If you play during peak hours they run fine, in the morning when I play it is a bit more difficult.
We played quite a few super turbos at the 160s together (screenname - arjun1321).
1. What was your longest breakeven stretch at the 160s?
2. What was your largest downswing at the 160s?
3. Your thoughts (if any) on me, now that you have quit them are welcome
4. What do you think is the best ROI attainable at them? My guess was somewhere between 1-2%
I have only played like 5 $169s in my life, I always just played $75s.
I never really had any breakeven streaks actually...I always did pretty well until recently when I lost about 6k in them last month. I remember you as a solid player but honestly it is hard to tell a lot of the regulars apart because the game is so basic. Like I said before I think 3-5 is profitable although I believe I ended up with 6 percent after 5k games.
How many hours straight can you play before the wrist/eyes/brain start going?
Do you feel the games will get easier, harder, or stay the same over the next 12 months? How have they progressed in the past 12 months would you say?
I usually play in two hour blocks. I would estimate they will stay the same unless something drastic happens legislation wise. It is hard for me to guage how the games have progressed since I have moved up so quickly. I guess the easy answer is they definitely haven't gotten any easier but I am not sure they have gotten any more difficult. It is kind of like the information is out there and the people who want to find it have found it and it has sort of reached a balanced point.
Well seems to be malfunctioning..
Thought I would go to sleep and wait for a few replies to get started up
Going to play for a couple hours, will answer more questions when I finish up.