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*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** *** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit ***

06-11-2010 , 03:37 PM
From NVG:

*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:38 PM
ROFL holy **** that's amazing.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:39 PM
Lol. I like his outfit!
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:40 PM
Where's the male masseuse IMO
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
I don't think mement was defending it, but a good player's ROI in this is probably in the several hundred %'s.
Um, you are both presenting a defense of it while saying "I'm not defending it."

Mentioning ROI considerations implies you think a man has a legitimate reason to participate.

I think it's defensible if you're one of those people who thinks that "they shouldn't award bracelets in closed events" and protests by playing.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:40 PM
lookin' good shaun
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:40 PM
Please win.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by the_snail03
Can't tell if you're serious or not...

I mean I guess it's pretty funny when Shaundeeb dresses in full drag etcetc, but anyone who is actually thinking of playing because it is good value is a str8 up ******.
Why would I not be serious, you dont there is good value in that tournament?

And Shane I am in no way defending anything, someone asked why they would play the tournament and I explained what one of the reasons could be.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:41 PM
This is probably an obvious answer but does Shaun Deeb use twitter/update it a lot? IF so what's his name on it? I wanna follow this epicness.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:42 PM
he may not be a woman, but he IS a lady
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:42 PM
I never said I wasn't defending it. I wouldn't personally ever play but don't think it's a huge deal if a guy plays. I don't want this thread to turn in to a debate because frankly I don't care. I was just trying to clarify mement's post.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:45 PM
Rumor: Tournament staff may try to penalize the male players so they're banned from future events.

And Shaun Deeb's twitter is at, @shaundeeb.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Rumor: Tournament staff may try to penalize the male players so they're banned from future events.
I giggled and then thought to myself: "Oh grow up!"
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by chrismystero
This is probably an obvious answer but does Shaun Deeb use twitter/update it a lot? IF so what's his name on it? I wanna follow this epicness.
Think its just @shaundeeb.

Pictures in post 26 are downright hysterical.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:47 PM
letting them register and then penalizing them after would be kinda messed up.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori

And Shane I am in no way defending anything, someone asked why they would play the tournament and I explained what one of the reasons could be.
I know you were being objective, I guess I am just disputing that the obvious value of the tournament is a legit reason to play.

On the one hand, non-open events at the WSOP are stupid for a variety of reasons, on the other hand they do bring new players from other demographics into the mix.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:49 PM
Those pics are priceless.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
Rumor: Tournament staff may try to penalize the male players so they're banned from future events.
shouldnt let them register to begin with. dont they have right of refusal?
not sure penalizing them after allowing them to reg. is the right route.
maybe just refund them and remove their remaining chips or something, but penalizing when they technically did nothing wrong (besides being huge douche bags) seems kinda meh.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:49 PM
lmmfao at the pic. he dosn't even need the fake breasts. lmmfao!!!!

I <3 u Shaun fkn Deeb

edit: im planning on playing this event next yr and donating all winnings to a women's breast cancer charity.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:49 PM
in all defense of players suspended that are male this is in america th lolest country out there. just say oh well theres no mens only event its sexist and get a good lawyer and gg that problem
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:50 PM
Shaun Deeb: 100% real
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by mement_mori
Why would I not be serious, you dont there is good value in that tournament?
I believe there is massive value in the tournament. I believe that any1 wanting to play the tourney because of this reason fails at life.

You can't say you're not defending it and then give a pretty solid reason as to why ppl should/would play it.

Whatever tho every1 is different, I don't wanna argue with anyone!
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:51 PM
Even if you think Deeb is a tool for doing this, how can you not laugh hysterically at those pictures?
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by shaniac
I know you were being objective, I guess I am just disputing that the obvious value of the tournament is a legit reason to play.

On the one hand, non-open events at the WSOP are stupid for a variety of reasons, on the other hand they do bring new players from other demographics into the mix.
I mean I wouldnt play this myself but I wonder how many people condemning Shaun and others would play it if it was a 5k, 10k or 50k with the same lineup.

They didn't break any rules by entering the tournament, that's all there is to it for me.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
06-11-2010 , 03:55 PM
Damn shaun you could cut ice with those bad boys.
*** Event #22 Ladies 1K No Limit *** Quote
