Ep Vs bb middle stages mtt and extra hand
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 3,090
Hey all have 2 hands from today in a $460’at turning stone. I don’t have all the info but as much as I can provide from memory.
Ok h1- wanna say I have 120k at 2.5k level. I open 99 from utg+1 to 5k and bb defends. He has maybe 100k? I’m guessing. Flop 557. I elect to cbet agter he checks to 4k into pot of 14k. He raises to 14k I think. I call. Turn is a 7. No flush draw on board. He leads 15bb and I decide to exploit fold. I think he can have bluffs. He was a young kid (found out aguer under 21). Do you ever call turn and eval river? I decided to fold bc he played fairly snug and abc and I think he was weight toward more 5x or 7x and not a pure bluff or straight draw type 46 or 68 bluff. Any thoughts? I felt my fold was good but idk.
Looking back at hand, I feel I should check back flop as we don’t have a range c bet spot. I think I can call turn bet and eval river cheaper and maybe get some bluffs to spazz. As played it’s ok but I think maybe checking back flop is better. I just didn’t get vibe he would bet turn without a 5 or 7 honestly.
H2- ok new player to table opens to 10k at 3k level on maybe 60-80k stack. Button is a mawg kinda weak player who flats. I’m in sb with JJ and 120-140k. I elect to 3! To 45k as I know I have to call ep shove. They both fold so nice result. Any thoughts on sizing here? I felt button was super wonky light with his button flat so felt squeeze was good/ raise for value somewhat if ep is ever semi light. Not sure stack size of button but would guess 100-120k? The open to 10k kinda worried me by ep but I was like yea JJ is too good- we have to call a shove by him due to math if he rips.
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 6,615
H1: I agree with everything you did. I always cbet HU when I have any overpair even if flop is 654 monotone. Yes BB has a 5x range advantage but you have an overpair range advantage and because the board is paired there are fewer 5x hands that BB can have. The other reason I cbet is to get BB to fold hands like K8s or JT. If the turn is T/J/Q/K/A after we check we could have just given away the hand. In those spots I often check back the turn and call a river bet because BB can have a straight draw as well as 5x or whatever overcard hit the turn.
As played I would also call the flop raise and fold the turn. All 7x hands just got there. We may be ahead but we will likely have to call a large river bet as well.
H2: Normally I would 3-bet to about 50k here, but because of opponents stack sizes I would jam rather than go to 50k. Making it 45k is OK but the problem is if BTN calls with a hand like AQ/KQs where he would more likely fold to a jam. I personally hate playing JJ OOP in a big pot.
The 10k open typically leans towards JJ but you block that so a lot of AK/TT. Could be QQ or smaller pairs like 88-99 as well but I see that less than JJ/TT.
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 4,037
H1: I think this is a cbet most of the time. like 90%+ because there are pretty much no turn cards that you like to see. Any A - T is a bad card for your hand. I think given the player your described, I would fold the turn as well. I agree with pretty much everything Rick said. You can't let the villain get there with a random overcard hitting the board.
H2: 3 bet size is fine. I think I would go about as big as you did. The players folding and adding an extra 20K to your stack is a fine result in this spot.