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Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ?

01-18-2023 , 09:04 AM
Hi guys,
I'm unsure about this kind of spots (I copied a hand below, but that's just a trivial example).

Some say that those hands play better with initiative, cause we'll have a lot of semi-bluffs postflop, so we need to raise pre.
Some say that you shouldn't 3bet light at all early game in low stakes MTT, cause people just don't fold enough pre.

Any clue ?

Currently, my default play would be :
- when we are CO-BU and the raiser is LJ-HJ-CO --> 3bet all suited aces
- when V or Hero is more early position than that, I 3bet A2s-A5s and I flat A6s-A9s.

Not sure that it makes sense at all...

Hero (BTN): 98.25 BB
SB: 89.81 BB
BB: 105 BB
UTG: 99.62 BB
UTG+1: 96.62 BB
MP: 98.87 BB
CO: 93.87 BB

7 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 2.37 BB) Hero has A 2

fold, fold, MP raises to 2.5 BB, fold, Hero raises to 7.5 BB, fold, fold, fold
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-18-2023 , 10:16 AM
I'm fine with it. Being suited it plays way better, but whats our 4 bet call frequency? If it's 0, it's better to call. I doubt you would ever rejam this light, this early so that frequency is important.

Anyone know the best 3 bet size here. It seems pretty close, but is 6.5 or 8 better? If so why
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-18-2023 , 02:33 PM
Either 3bet or flat is fine. Your in position so it should be relatively simple to play.

Keep it simple, if you flat and folds all the way around and he checks to you stab most flops and only continue on turns in which you improve to a flush draw or even a gutter for the most part and check back an A (again for the most part)

With a 3bet it’s not too dissimilar, if you can get them to fold stronger aces pre or on the flop your doing well. Don’t go bonkers without a super strong draw
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-19-2023 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Justo
Some say that you shouldn't 3bet light at all early game in low stakes MTT, cause people just don't fold enough pre.
I don't really see that as a problem if they're not continuing properly postflop, which I feel like is probably the case against a lot of looser preflop players. And if you're 3-betting hands that can flop big, you can still win a big pot if you flop right even if they do continue. And having position and initiative is always a plus (and probably something you can get even more value from against weaker players).

I think your 3-bet is fine but not fully mandatory or anything. You should be able to fold out mediocre offsuit aces which is a win for you.

Originally Posted by swagurrrr
Anyone know the best 3 bet size here. It seems pretty close, but is 6.5 or 8 better? If so why
This deep I usually prefer a 3-bet closer to 3.5x the original raise, but if 3x is getting you a fold, then that's a fine size.
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-20-2023 , 05:15 AM
I don't think you should ALWAYS be doing anything
Flat sometimes, 3bet sometimes.
If this is low stakes you might get overcalls from the blinds when you 3b which is not what you want
Either is fine, just mix it up
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-21-2023 , 10:13 AM
I guess one other thing to keep in mind if there are fish behind you/in the blinds lean towards flatting always with these types of hands you want to play vs fish with these holdings
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-21-2023 , 09:28 PM
This deep you should be mixing some 3bets with a lot of hands which you vpip. Thats because at 100bb deep it is important to have board coverage.
example 100bb BTN vs HJ:

So you have top hands like AA KK QQ AKs AQs AKo which you always 3bet and almost all other hands are mixing something. Exception are small pocket pairs which are pretty much pure calls, then hand like ATs might favor only calling because of how medium strong it is. Often some of the bottoms which are even mixing folds will be flat only.

Compare it to something shallower like this 35bb:

Where you are not worried about board coverage so much, so your priority is either on getting called by worse hands or folding out better hands, therefore your range is much more polarized.
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-22-2023 , 06:11 PM
I'd prefer to 3b with position as calling can go multiway and this hand is trash multiway.
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
01-22-2023 , 09:21 PM
Advantage of calling pre on button with suited aces is it lets blinds call suited hands we can mega cooler if we overflush
Early Game - 3bet AXs IP ? Quote
