Database report; by position (Blinds), question...
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 105
From what i have heard in the limited amount of time spent researching peoples stats from the blinds, I understand its standard for most, if not all players to be losing money in the long run from their blinds, is this correct?
What should a player expect to be running for their bb/100 stat from their SB, and BB? I understand it will vary dependent on a number of factors, but assuming the player is a good winning reg at the low-mid stakes, and is using a GTO (to the best of their knowledge) approach to playing from their blinds, what would be an acceptable win/loss rate for them to have from the SB, and BB?
How many hands from their blinds should they play to get a good idea of how they are doing?
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 9,160
Folding 100% yields -50/100 from sb and -100/100 out of bb. I would think 100k hands in either seat will start to give you an idea. Any you can net is good, any lower is not
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 8,609
This has the potential to be a very enlightening thread to many players.