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daily 40k q high flush spot daily 40k q high flush spot

04-19-2011 , 05:38 PM
before this hand, i had some flames with villain, at the end he ran into my AA and was very pissed off. after that we had the following hand and i was sure he could do that line either with the nuts, but also with a semi- or total bluff.

i just called his donkbet on the flop because i thought my middle pair is ahead and my FD is blocking many of his straight draw outs if he is on hands like qj or kj. also with a 3bet on that flop i knew he would 4bet push his hands very often (remember that guy is on tilt) and i didnt want to call a 4bet shove with middle pair and FD. turn same thing, if he was on a set i am drawing dead now but he has so many other weaker hands in his range so i decided to call. river my flush arrives and he 3rd barrels very big. i am not folding there with my flush arrived, because i am not calling the turn to fold my arrived flush on the river.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $250(BB) Replayer
SB ($12,090)
BB ($21,625)
UTG ($13,346)
UTG+1 ($2,698)
UTG+2 ($4,135)
MP1 ($9,105)
Hero ($17,951)
CO ($2,250)
BTN ($865)

Dealt to Hero 9 Q

fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to $615, fold, BTN raises to $835 (AI), fold, BB calls $585, Hero calls $220

FLOP ($2,900) 7 9 T

BB bets $750, Hero calls $750

TURN ($4,400) 7 9 T T

BB bets $2,250, Hero calls $2,250

RIVER ($8,900) 7 9 T T 3

BB bets $5,755, Hero calls $5,755
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:52 PM
he cant 4bet flop. i would r/c flop cause he bet so small and your hand is quite good.

turn is a pretty good card to not fold on imo, but most others im not sure if i call another bet.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-19-2011 , 08:59 PM
I think you played it well
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-20-2011 , 04:14 AM
r/4bet flop, as played i'd shove river
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-20-2011 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by furo
r/4bet flop, as played i'd shove river
why shove river, most of the time he is on nuts or air, i dont think shoving got equity there.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-20-2011 , 10:13 AM
Tx/9x/smaller flushes/flopped straight

its the DFG and you need chips. thats a pretty clear raise flop and get it in and once you hit river shove spot.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-20-2011 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by furo
r/4bet flop, as played i'd shove river
Originally Posted by furo
Tx/9x/smaller flushes/flopped straight

its the DFG and you need chips. thats a pretty clear raise flop and get it in and once you hit river shove spot.
It's not fair for everyone else to respond after furo....Basically all of this though. I dunno about 9x but everything seems spot on.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-21-2011 , 02:21 AM
all in on river
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-21-2011 , 04:50 AM
Why don't you 3-bet turn?

Wahet would you have done if no diamond came on the river? Gave up? Better to 3-bet turn so you're hand isn't so faced up.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-21-2011 , 08:32 AM
^why should we 3b turn? worse wont call that raise. besides calling his ai would be g.a.y.ish ott.
on theflop it's time for sum action.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-21-2011 , 08:39 AM
Definitely doing my best to raise/get it in on flop, we have sick equity vs almost any hand he can have except J8 - 2nd pair, decent kicker, overcard, FD, backdoor SD.

Once board pairs things change a little and raising turn is probably not an option, and although I think shoving river is really marginal here I think we kinda have to if we think villain will snapcall us with Tx or even 9x as furo suggests. I think his flop betsizing is weird though, if I had a read that he was the kind who liked to induce raises then I'd think he might be fairly weighted towards sets there.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-21-2011 , 02:51 PM
Here is a sticky situation I would probably get it in on the flop, and then your probably racing but it is such a plus EV shove. I would be more happy getting it in on flop rather than river IMO.

daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by lJIMMYl
alright no one has said this so i'm going to. you are annoying as ****. stop writing your name after posts, it's in your goddam username. stop writing stupid posts. welcome to the forum.

not raising the flop is a crime. ott I don't think he bets worse hands than ours very often. our equity may be just too good, but I think it's a meh call.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-22-2011 , 12:08 AM
raise flop!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if he bets low with a set to induce a call/raise, i think he'd do it again on turn, especially since a scare card came (second T). if he raised more you'd fold. so i don't think he is value betting a full house (set of 7's or 9's on flop). a T i think he'd bet more on flop...
i'd say he could have K9, or A9... but a T i think is in his range.

also, raise river
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by abgtr
alright no one has said this so i'm going to. you are annoying as ****. stop writing your name after posts, it's in your goddam username. stop writing stupid posts. welcome to the forum.

not raising the flop is a crime. ott I don't think he bets worse hands than ours very often. our equity may be just too good, but I think it's a meh call.
Insert Jimmy from Seinfeld joke.

Jimmy think getting it in on the flop as opposed to the river is better.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-22-2011 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by Kolkelini
why shove river, most of the time he is on nuts or air, i dont think shoving got equity there.
So if the diamond doesn't hit you still call the river bet bc "nuts or air"? 2 pair and flush would have the same equity then. Given your dynamic with BB I would think you would want to get in otf. Just calling otf puts you in a weird spot ott. Guess I call but I def feel dumb. shove river..diamond doesn't come i would fold to that sizing (at least you still get to see his hole cards cuz of the AI

Last edited by princekuh1o; 04-22-2011 at 05:54 AM.
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-22-2011 , 10:19 AM
Would someone explain to me why most of you guys prefer 3bet/get it in on the flop? Arent we too deep for that?

daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by bromelio
Would someone explain to me why most of you guys prefer 3bet/get it in on the flop? Arent we too deep for that?

I can only speak for myself but with the pot already being ~3k otf (bc of the other AI) and we have 16k, stack to pot ratio is already low meaning we would continue with the hand ideally...against said "tilting" villain I would consider it ideal. With Qd9d we have alot of equity against tilting villain's range otf.. not hard to see..when he leads, the stack to pot ratio is even lower so it seems like a good time to raise and commit yourself to the pot IMO...(you might even get him to spaz 4b with air if hes that much of a monkey)
daily 40k q high flush spot Quote
