Constructing TT vs. ??, buyin 20$ (27pl. MTT)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 42
This is a hand all of us could have played in the past, its a question about the best line and any other thougts.
In the early phase of a live tournament we're sitting in MP2 with TT and a stack of 5000.
Blinds are 25/50.
I raise to 150 and the cutoff makes it 450 to go. he has the same chipstack, i know this player a bit. he is a good, solid player and i have a feeling that he has a great hand here.
i call. the flop is 269 rainbow.
the question:
a) bet (amount?)/ fold to a raise
b) check / call to see the turn and see if he follows through
c) check / raise (amount?) to put him on the test
d) bet/call, more or less weak....or?
e) bet/re-raise, to maniac-style i think
thanks for any answers.
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 98
I like a check/raise here for multiple reasons. Not only does it put his hand to the test but it makes your hand appear stronger.
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 4,033
Lead out 3/4 pot. With the preflop aciton and on this flop, resistance will more than not be something that you beat. I could see villain flatting with {22, 66, 99, jj} preflop, but playing back at you with a wide part of his range postflop. I don't think you can c/c because it's either not going to change anything or be a bad card for you on the turn. If he does play back, I'd go with b/f or 3-bet line (no call). The only hand that is likely to play back that has you beat is JJ, because sets would not want to scare you away. Soooo e I suppose