Hey guys, 6max session. Wanna know if it's better just to shove here or raise? Shortstack is super tight, I shoved every single hand b v b against him, bb is fish 42/17 and doesn't want to fight me. I wonder if I should just raise - call short's all in and fold to bb push or just push pre and avoid possibility of re-raising from bb. I expect him to 3bet with KK+, so here I suppose raise/fold is the best, but against different player, he would 3bet shove me which I don't want to face.
R/f to BB. Raise size should be whatever you think has the maximum fold equity preflop versus BB, unless he plays really weak tight postflop. Probably 3x is needed versus the described 42/15 player, or he is going to flat a lot and make our life difficult. If he has a high fold to cbet then 2.25x is fine, then cbet 10000%.