probably fold turn blocking f draws and gutshots. I think population probably underbluffs this spot. also they're not taking this line with 9x or TT-QQ basically ever so our pair outs aren't worth much.
pre can be a jam depending on opener, but it's gonna be close.
Last edited by RalphWaldoEmerson; 01-24-2016 at 04:27 AM.
Jam pre. Fold turn (feelsbadman) you get owned by any range.
Unsure about flop play but I think most guys play this straightforward on turn and our equity is good enough to c/c and keep his weaker hands in to get value.
It will be hard to get much value on alot of turn cards from his pps and we are not drawing to the nuts. That's stuff to consider for turn/river
Hh is messed up. I'm assuming you are OOP in the big blind.