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Call? Call?

01-31-2011 , 06:45 PM
Should i call here? This is 3.3 180 man rebuy, villain is winning reg, i presume my hand does ok against his range, and well enough with the blinds etc?

However, I think with like 13 BB i was 2nd or 3rd place w like 13/14ish left, so is it worth risking all the FE i have with my current stack, with which i'd be pretty sure of finding better / less contentious spot on future hands as the aggresor?


PokerStars - $3+$0.30|2500/5000 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

CO: 8,148.00
BTN: 65,868.00
SB: 21,233.00
Hero (BB): 66,119.00
UTG: 36,544.00
UTG+1: 15,119.00
MP: 31,535.00

CO posts ante 500.00, BTN posts ante 500.00, SB posts ante 500.00, Hero posts ante 500.00, UTG posts ante 500.00, UTG+1 posts ante 500.00, MP posts ante 500.00, SB posts SB 2,500.00, Hero posts BB 5,000.00

Pre Flop: (11000.00) Hero has K Q

fold, fold, MP raises to 31,035.00 and is all-in, fold, fold, fold, Hero?
Call? Quote
01-31-2011 , 06:48 PM
im snapping ainec
Call? Quote
01-31-2011 , 06:51 PM
Oh, and villain was 14/11 over 35 hands FWIW
Call? Quote
01-31-2011 , 06:54 PM
Is this becuase i'm ahead of his range, or that the concerns i had about risking my current stack / fold equity are irrelevant? or both?

Call? Quote
01-31-2011 , 06:57 PM
if hes good he should be shoving like any ace any king, suited queens, J7+ any suited connector any PP (just a guess but he should be super wide)

dont have pokerstove on here but if you ran that vs KQs you are ahead and you're getting insane odds to call. the fact that you're tanking with this hand shows how 6bbs can still get folds from nits
Call? Quote
01-31-2011 , 07:01 PM
If he is a winning reg, high-five the screen when you call
Call? Quote
02-01-2011 , 03:59 AM
Wow, I mean I know when you read some of the old wells the first piece of advice they give to the question “how can i improve my game?” is “you probably need to start pushing and calling wider”, but is a winning reg really pushing like J8o or Q5s here? Even when there are two more desperate stacks behind including one in the SB?

Anyway you said just a guess, but I ran that range on stove and got 59% while breakeven cEV is 42.5%, I haven’t got wiz running yet but i guess i can see that even factoring the pay drop from 2/3rd to 9/10th this should probably still be $EV.

One last question then, if I was in villains shoes here are had a pushing range of:


Are you saying this is too tight?

Call? Quote
